Autograph Book of Mary C. Reynolds
Mary C. Reynolds was the daughter of David M. and Amanda [Gregg] Reynolds. born in 1860 (or 1861) and died in 1887. She married George Matson in 1884. Though little is known about her...
Genealogy and History of the East Coast
Mary C. Reynolds was the daughter of David M. and Amanda [Gregg] Reynolds. born in 1860 (or 1861) and died in 1887. She married George Matson in 1884. Though little is known about her...
Marriage Certificate of James and Caroline Hiester Whereas James Cleaver Hiester, of Joanna, County of Berks and State of Pennsylvania, son of Albert Edwin Hiester and Ruth Boas Hiester and Caroline Nevin Reynolds, of...
The entries below were copied from an old family bible retained by the Reynolds family of West Chester, most likely belonging to Albert Reynolds, the second child of David M. Reynolds and his wife...
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