Category: Chester County Journals
DIARY OF BENJAMIN HUNT 1799-1812 Reprinted from the Daily Local News, For the Chester County Historical Society, 1898.[fn]Excerpted from Bulletins of the Chester County Historical Society, reformatted by Mary Briggeman[/fn] The writer of this...
1800, 1st Jan. This Day Salley Pierce dined at my house. 6th. Sent a letter to the Sheriff at West Chester to inform him that I would be no longer accountable for Buntings Property...
Jan. 1st 1801. Went to William Smith’s. Recev’d of him forty Dolls which he borrowed some time ago. 3rd. Went to Wm Weston’s, found it a most severe cold day: from thence to Isaac...
Jan. 1st 1802. A beautiful fine clear warm morning: larks a singing. 2nd. A very warm day for this season: almost too warm to be pleasant. I and mj Boys picking stories of the...
Jan. 2nd 1803. This night fell a pretty large snow, the first we have had this winter of any account. , ,, 5th. this day thomas England and Mary Clemson laid their intentions of...
Jan 1st 1804.This morning coming into my store I happened to look at one of the windows observed the key that keys the bar from the outside was dropped out of the bolt, the...
Jan. 1st 1805, Went to Wilmington; Bought 6 Bls Midlings @ $7.37 and 1 Bl. 8. fine @ 11 Dols. of James Jefferis. Returned This evening as far ss John Hickman: lodged there: came...
Jan. 1st 1806: this evening Patty Taylor. Nancy Jackson, Polly Jackson, Betsey Johnson, Hannah Entrikin, Hannah Sharpies, Rebeckah Sharples & Patty Taylor again & Isaac Weaver & Moses Peirce, Doct., was at my house....
5th Jan. 1807, Went to Waggontown: lodged at John Hughes. 6th. rode about through that neighborhood collecting old debts. Eli Hunt, grandson of John Hunt and son of John Hunt, came to my house...
1st Jan. 1808, Return’d Home. 12th: Ebenezer Worth died. 13th: James Gibbons, son of Thomas Gibbons, died, this night came on snow. 14th: Snow continues till about noon: in the afternoon clear & and...