Benjamin Hunt Diary – 1806

Jan. 1st 1806: this evening Patty Taylor. Nancy Jackson, Polly Jackson, Betsey Johnson, Hannah Entrikin, Hannah Sharpies, Rebeckah Sharples & Patty Taylor again & Isaac Weaver & Moses Peirce, Doct., was at my house.

Jan. 5th 1806: this is a beautiful fine warm day. a number of Small flies resembling mosquitoes flying about, this night began to Snow.

fith. Snow all this day.

8th: James Bones turned out of his office of Register by the Governour McKain, and John Smith Esqr. appointed in his place.

14th: Rain in the evening, and after night hail and Snow: very stormy.

15th: this morning Cold & Windy. Caleb Hoops Died.

24th: Richard Williams Charged with his boarding to this date.

27th, Went to Richard Dilworth for Money: promises to pay by the twentyeth March next.

28th, Went to George Hoops for Money: promises to pay by the 1st March next.

5th Feb., Went to Philad. in Blacks Stage.

8th. Returned. Arthur McCloskey died.

10th: was buried at the Chaple in West Chester.

12th: John Blakey buryed.

20th: Recv’d a letter from Nathan Dated Port au Prince, Jan. 6th 1806, per Post.

22nd: Very fine weather, blue Birds & frogs singing. People ploughing.

24th, Richard Williams pays his board to this date.

25th, Went to Wilmington with my cart. Weather much colder.

1st March: Very Cold.

2nd & 3rd: Cold wind & Dry.

5rd: Hugh Kerigen Died, this night a little snow.

5th. Hugh Kerigen and Jacob Swain buried at Bradford.

7th: this morning Snow.

8th: this morning about 3 O’Clock John Ryan Died at Benjamin Miller’s in West Chester after a few days Illness.

March 9th, 1806, this night a great light in the South.

14th, wrote a letter to Virginia.

16th, wrote a letter to Nathan by Benj’n Matiack Mate of the Brig Ruth & Mary, (it was returned, he not going.)

18th, Francis Ganson came to board at 11, 3 per week: Isaac Weaver pays. 19th: This clay Snow.

20th: Wiiliam Cam and Phillis Memory Married this Night by John Graves Esqr.

23rd, this day I heard of the death of Jean Williamson a fine blooming young Woman in the bloom of Youth; died In Childbed.

24th: this day snow again.

27th: Cold, cold windy weather.

1st Apr.. Started to Philadelphia With
mv Cart & son Wm.

3rd, Returned home.

7th: Court begins: Wet day.

8th: Cloudy cold & Windy.

10th: this dav spit Snow a little.

April 11th, 1806. Cloudy, very Cold and windy; very high North West wind.

13th: wind abated.

16th: this Morning a while before day Thomas Tucker, tavern keeper at the Turks head, had a Daughter born; this afternoon Night Baily was killed by the Sawmill Wheel at Worth’s Mill

18th: a Man at Jacob Jefferis’s had his leg broke by a kirk of a coil.

22nd. Nathan Hunt and Joseph Jefferis returned from Saint Domingo; been Absent since August last.

29th: Ann Sharpless, Daughter of VWm Sharpies & Ann his wife, departed this life about Sunset this evening aged twelve years or thereabouts.

6th May, Paid James Jackson $2.70 Road Tax for last year.

I had forgot to mention the Marriage of Wm Osborne to Polly Davis on the 2nd Instant, and my being in Philad. 2nd & 3rd Ins.

7th, went to Wilmington with my Cart.

8th: Cold weather for the Season.

10th: this morning they say frost.

12th, Went to Philad. with my Cart.

12th, Returned.

15th: Mrs. Peirce, her maid and Children came to Board with us.

17th: Daniel FitzPatrick Died after a few hours illnessss.

22nd, Paid Jonathan Townsend 5 Dolls. in full for Muster fines for the Years 1796, 97 & 98.

24th: Hannah James Died, an Old woman 90 odd Years.

27th: David Moor Esqr. takes a room In my house at 10 Dolls a Year.

28th: Ship Pekin Went to Sea.

6th June 1806. Nathan and myself went to Philadelphia with my Cart. Spoke with Thomas P. Cope about Nathan going in his Ship to Liverpool: Ship Rebecca, Captain Barry. Imlah Hains takes my Shop for three Months, is to pay me five Dollars.

7th, Returned from Philadelphia.

Sth. Nathan went to Philad. in Blacks Stage to go on board the Ship for tryal for two or three days.

10th: John Springer died in this town.

11th. Took Nathan’s Chest in my Cart, with Billy and Jemmy, and went to Philadelphia.

12th. Signed Shipping articles to be on board the 14th at 1 O’Clock: he is to have 6 Doners per Month. Sent Billy up in Blacks Stage. Nathan, Jemmy and myself went on board the Ship Neptune, Just arriv’d from Port au Prince, via Chariestown.

12th, I returned home; left Jemmy with Nathan till tomorrow.

2iuh: a Dark Cloud from the westward with high wind passed over to the South east with a great deal of lightning.

21st: high wind.

28th: 1 find in a Newspaper of this date that the Ship Rebekah went to Sea on the I8th Instant.

8th July, Went to Robert Yearsley’s; paid him 64 Dollars Interest due the 27th last Month. Sent a letter to Liverpool by the Ship Jupiter, directed to Nathan.

9th, Reev’d a letter from Nathan dated
15th June 1806.

July11th 3806. People busy at harvest.

25th; a Child of Emmor Jefferis died.

26th: Charles O’Neal Died.

27th: John Fairlamb Died.

2Mb, Billy and myself Started to Philad. in the Cart.

31st, Got home again.

3rd August, Rote a letter to Nathan per the British Packet Windsor Castle.

4th; this day our Court begins.

5thh: Wm Rogers Died.

8th: A woman of the name of Elizabeth Rimbey found guilty of Murder in the first degree for killing her own Child and condemn’d to be hung.

Alexander McKinsey found guilty of Murder in the second degree for killing James Sill, Sentence 7 Years to hard labour in Philad. Jail.

August 10th 1806, Died Samuel Huey, son of Wm Huey, aged about 6 Mo.

17th: John Beaumont Died.

20th: Lydia Haines, Wife of Jacob Haines, died.

17th, Job B. Remington came to board with me at 11, 3 per week.

20th, Sold out my Store to Job B. Remington, amounting to $1095.12. he pays 200 Dolls. Cash and the remainder in two equal payments at four and Eight Months.

29th, A Son of Benj’n Temple, his name Benj’n as I understand, had been missing for several days, was found this day dead, hanging with his head hitched in the fork of a plumb tree, without any rope or String of any kind.

16th Sept. 1806. Went to Philad. with my Cart.

18th, Returned.

19th: I understand this day By Frances Smith that Daniel Mercer died about the 12th of the present month was buried.

22nd: Margaret McCloskey Died.

6th Oct. This day myself and wife
Started to Virginia in a Cart; got to

7th, left Lancaster, crossed Susquehannah at Wrights ferry, about four Miles beyond met Mary Commons, Daughter of Joseph Smith, in the Stage coming down to Chester County to see her father and friends, this day got nine Miles beyond York; lodged at Michael West’s.

8th Oct. 1806: this day went through Hanover, Peter Littles Town and Taneytown, within two miles of Woodsbury; lodged at William Cookerleys.

9th, Went through Woodsbury and Frederick Town, crossed Potomac at Luckets ferry; got to one Taylor’s; stayed all night.

10th: This morning gat to John Francis’s about nine o’clock: his wife went to show us the way to Thomas Francis, about twenty-five Miies; got there after night.

11th: a wet day but little rain.

12th: a Rainy day.

12th Oct. 1806. This morning I left Francis’s and went to my relations, Freds; found my Uncle and aunt both dead above 18 Mo. before; the Sons Joshua, Thomas & Joseph living on the land. Joseph went with me over the Mountain and put me in the road to Thomas Shepherd’s: lodged with him that night.

14th: Thomas & John Shepherd rode with me this day: passed by Richard Shertlef’s; called to see him but he was not at home: went up the Shenandoah, cioss’d at Barry’s ferry and the mountain at Ashby’s gap: got back to Francis’s in the evening.

15th: At Francis’s.

Inth Oct. 1806, Went to Joseph Baldwins, son-in-law to Tho. Francis, he had a coffin to make for a young man who died of a bite of a spider.

17th, Went to see my Cousin Rachel Gibson (formerly Fred) wife of John Gibson.

18th & 19th, At Francis’s.

20th Started for home. Thomas came
along with us through Leesburg and to Enoch Francis’s: stayed there that night. Saw Joseph Hunt in Leesburg, sun of Marv Hunt.

21st, left Enochs and forded Potomac at Nawlands Ferry: got through Frederick Town and as far as Cookerley’s tavern, thirteen Miles from Frederick.

22nd Oct. 1806. This day I was very much indisposed Yet I went on about 29 Miles to Hanover: lodged with Wm. Scott.

23rd. left Scotts , got on to the river crossed it and lodged at Jos. Jefferis’ tavern.

24th: This day got down to the turnpike as fas as Sloans tavern.

25th. This day got home, having traveled since we left home about 340 miles.

29th. Samuel Trimble died.

31st. Buried at Bradford.

3rd. John hueys 2nd son born.

4th Nov. John Stugert and family left Westtown and bound for Muncey.

9th. Started for Columbia. took Thomas Barnett with me to buy Boards. got to Pettits Tavern, 7 miles from Columbia.

10th Noc. 1806. Got to Columbia, bought 8500 feet boards; cost $103 dollars; got back as far as pettits this night.

11th Started and got into Lancaster, stayed and saw the Races; left there about 1 o’clock; got home about twelve this night.

12th. Bought 6 bushels corn for E. Thornbury, got of Wm. Ingram.

16th. This day a little snow forthe first this fall.

17th John Townsend came to board with me @ 11 – 5.

20th. George Worth takes a part of my stable till 25th March next for which he is to pay me 5 Dollars. mcLaughlin takes a room in my house for whcih he is to pay me 7 Dollars till the 25th March next.

Nov. 23rd 1806: Lydia Evenson, wife of
Seth evenson, died.

25ht. Rec’c of Job. B. Remington $7.50 in full ofr one quarters rent due the 20th instant, likewise $19.50 for 13 weeks boarding @1.50 ending 16th instant and begins again 17th at 1.75 per week.

26th. Went to the funeral of Lydia Evenson at Birmingham, a very wet day.

27th. Borrowed 200 Dollars of James Hoops payable on the first day of January next.

29th. Elizabeth Osborne, wife of Samuel Osborne, died.

1st Dec. went to the funeral.

3d. Snow all this day followed by a blowing night.

7th Dec., 1806. Sent a Letter to Francis Hickman, State of Tennesee.

10th. recv’d a letter from Nathan.

12th. Severe cold snowy sleety weather; ground covered with snow.

14th: Clear cold and windy.

20th: Weather moderated.

22nd: John Welch and Ann Davis married.

24th. Cyrus Carpenter and Sally Worthington married.

25th. Ground partly coverd with snow.

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