Benjamin Hunt Diary – 1805

Jan. 1st 1805, Went to Wilmington; Bought 6 Bls Midlings @ $7.37 and 1 Bl. 8. fine @ 11 Dols. of James Jefferis. Returned This evening as far ss John Hickman: lodged there: came on Snow; left one of my horses on account of its not being willing to draw, borrowed one of Hickman to help me home.

4th Jan. 1805. This a must uncommon cold windy day.

5th. Not quite so cold. Hannah Gheen came to my house: my wife went with her to Jos. Gheen’s.

6th. this evening returned. Thomas Tucker’s Store broke open again this Evening, Supposed to be the same Rascal who rob’d it on the 11th Nov’r last as he entered at the same, window after breaking a ligght of glass and drawing too nails that was put in over the Sash, he is supposed to have got between forty & fifty Dollars and a pair Blankets which were found next morning; hanging on the fence near Amos Worthings Barn, as I understand.

8th Jan. 1805. Tucker went to Philadelphia, in Quest of Decker. Caught him and sent him up in the Stage and he is now in Jaii here.

11th. Tucker returned. I went with Tucker and several others into the Jail to see the lad. He tells where the bag may be found that had the money in and he tells of being in Worthings Barn a Seventhday night and first day and of leaving the Blankets there first day night, cut the money he lias made way with except about five Dolls, they get with him, and twelve he says he lent his land lady.

22nd. Oh! most Severe Cold weather, and has been some time past. Wm. Huey, his Wife and three Children. John Mary Entrikih. & one of her grand Children came to my house this evening in a sleigh.

23rd. Started for home again.

20th. let two appartments in my Stable to Thomas Sweney till the 25th March, for which he is to pay 2 Dolls.

1st Feb. Eliada Townsend came to Board with me ‘a 10-6 per week.

4th. Went to the poor house in a sleigh with my wife, Thomas Sweney & wife, on the way got upset; hurt my wife considerably.

A great Quantity of Snow on the ground since New year and has been Severe weather ever since, except a chance day. the snow so drifted that the roads have been impassable in many places.

18th Feb. 1805. Richard Evason Buried at the Poor house.

26th. This Day was at Caleb Foulk’s near Waggontown, for Money he promises to pay in four weeks.

2nd March. Fine Weather over Head but bad roads: people making Cider.

4th. Democrats rejoicing on acc’t of Thomas Jefferson being reelected Presiddent and George Clinton Vice Do., firing their Cannon and ringing the Bell of the court house.

8th. John Huey got one of his legs broke by the overturning of a Cart. Dr. Joseph Peirce’s Tanhouse burnt by lightning this Night.

John Huey 1 understand was Married last fifth Day was two weeks, 21st Feb. 1805

March 11th 1805. Anthony Taylor Mdv’d to Joseph Buffington’s house. Weather more Moderate snow almost gone; the ground has not been clear of it since New Years day last: people at plough

12th. Wrote a letter to Virginia.

14th. Emmor Entrikin and Ann Scholfield Married at Birmingham Meeting.

16th. James Peirce died at James Gibbons’s in West Chester, aged about twenty four or twenty five years (about three o’clock in the morning of a Consumption).

18thh. Let the South corner of my store house to Wm Adams for three Months for which he is to pay me five Dollars, this day went to Dr. Roberts vendue.

20th, went to Abr. Marshal’s vendue.

21st. went to Philip Hallar’s vendue. Anthony Taylors Wife brought to bed.

March 25th 1805. Went to Mary Dilworth’s Vendue at Dilworthstown.

26th Went to a Vendue of the property of Amos Thomas Deceased.

31st Jonathan Matlack the elder Died.

8th April. Nathan Hunt and Joseph Jefferis went to Wilmington tn advise with Captain Jefferis about going to sea. He promises to get them a place.

11th & 12th. Matlacks Vendue.

13th This day William Hunt was here from Bald Eagle Valley.

16h. Missed a Dollar out of my Drawer in the Store: pursued the suspected perrson and got it.

17th Dan Patterson, a black man, was committed to Jail for Breaking open Abraham Martins Store.

20th. Mare Foalded. Went to Caleb Foulke’s; got a horse of him for 52.50.

26th April 1805. This Night Joshua Hunt had a horse Stole out of his Stable, Suspected to be taken by one Thomas Hare and gone to Philadelphia.

27th, this Morning Eli Hunt, Aaron Davis & John Welsh rode into Philad. in pursuit of the thief, got him and the horse at the horse Market; put him in Jail there & brought the horse home.

20th, Owen Atuick being sued his Wife came to Squire Graves’s 1 went with her; agreed to see the money paid in three Months, 30th July, £3-11-1.

5th May. Jesse Hoope’s house broke this night, and about 250 Dollars taken out of his desk, the thief was taken in Philad. a few days after, one Benj’n Wilson, and is now in Jail here in West Chester.

6th May 1805. This morning started for Philad. in Jemison’s stage.

9th. Brought Thomas Hare from Philad. and lodged him in West Chester Jail.

20th. This day our Court begins here. Thomas Hare was brought to the bar; he pleads gilty; the Court Sentence him two Years to hard Labour. Dan Patterson was likewise put to hard labour for one Year.

27th. Our Supreme Court begins.

28th. Several Prisoners were arrained, amongst the rest was one Hannah Miller, alias Negro Hannah. For the Murder of Her Child the Jury Brought in their Verdict Guilty. Chariot Sharp, another Negro, Guilty for Concealing her Chhd after it was born. Jesse Reece was arrained for the Murder of Jonathan Garrett. He pleaded not Guilty to the Inditement:the Jury brought in their Verdict, guilty of Man Slaughter.

31st. This Morning Frost.

1st June, this day five Prisoners Recv’d Sentence: Jesse Reece 2 Years at hard labour in Philad. Jail. Henry Decker, 6 Years: Charlot Sharp, a black woman, for Secreting her Child after it was born, 2 Years: Benjamin Wilson, 3 Years: Hannah Miller, a black woman, for Killing her Child, Condemn’d to be hanged.

3d June. Went to Wilmington.

4th, Went to Philadelphia in Blacks

8th, Returned.

14th June 1805, Sarah Knox Came to board with me at 10 shillings per week.

July 8th, Shoemaker came to board with me at 10-6 per Week. Wm. Adams engages to se me paid.

9th, Daniel Fitzparrick’s sister Buried at the Chaple in West Chester. Died of a Flux.

10th. A Daughter of Jonathan Strode’s Buried, aged about seventeen or Eighteen (Betsey). This day mv son William, turn’d of ten Years of age, Slip’d of to Wm Eachus to the reapers, got a Sickle to try his hand at reaping: unfortunately for him cut off his little linger (only the end).

15th July 1805. Sarah Knox paid her board to this date.

17th. William Taylor died at his house at Kennett Square.

26th. Sarah Thornbury, wife of Joseph Thornbury, died at Bradford.

27th. Owen AtUick’s wife came and discharged the debt I engaged to see paid on the 30th of April last.

28th Went to Wilmington with Nathan Hunt & Joseph Jeffens to go on board the Ship Neptune, Capt. Taylor, bound for St. Domingo, but the ship had not come down from Phila.; stayed there and about with them till the 31st. the ship went down to Newcastle, in the afternoon they left me and went to join the Ship.

August 1st 1S05, was executed Hannah Miller, condemned at our Court in May last, a considerable Concourse of people, perhaps two or three thousand.

3rd. Thomas Tucker Married to Phebe Park, Daughter of Joseph Park, Bradford.

5ch. This day the Ship Neptune went to sea As I find published in a News paper Dated August Sth 1805.

15th. Joseph Hunt & Caleb Hunt Came here from Bald Eagle.

21st. Recv’d a letter from Nathan, Dated Cape Henlopen, August 3rd 1805.

20th August 1805. Isabella Hughes came to board with me at 10-6 per Week.

2Sth, This morning we are bless’d with rain, it has been very dry this long while, not having had much since the beginning of June last.

31st, Richard Williams settles and pays his board to this date and pays one week in advance. Since writing the above acc’t of rain on the 28th I have been informed there has been the highest flood ever known on the West Branch of Brandywine. Several Mills and Bridges were Swept away.

31st, James C. O’Brien Came to board at 10-6 per Veek.

2nd Sept.. let the South corner of my Store to O’Brien at 5 Dolls, per Quarter.

4th Sept. 1805. Samuel Entrikin Married to at Phila.

10th, Rode up through West Bradford to Collect old debts. Mr. James Hughes came to my house from Phila.

Hth. This evening a child about Seven Years old who came out of Phila. a few days ago died with the Fever.

12th, Dan’l Fling came to board with me.

14th, Mrs. Wood & three Daughters
Came to board @ 13-1/2 .

16th. A child of Amos Warrens died.

17th, Mrs. Wood & Daughters left us.

21st, Samuel Sellers Died. John Huey’s wife delivered of a Son for the first.

1st Oct. Isabella Hughes pays her board to this date. Mary Sellers, widow of Samuel Sellars, Buried.

2nd Oct. 1805. This morning I was inform’d of the Death of Richard Buffington commonly call’d Daddy Dickey, he was found hanging in Moses Marshall’s Garden.

11th Oct. Sarah Knox paid her board in full.

14th. Dan’l Fling pavs his board. Isaiah Shoefield buried at Goshen Yesterday: his father and brother died two or three weeks ago in Maryland.

15th: Being Summoned to view a line between James Nealy and William Kennedy in West Cain township, attended on the ground in Company with Several others. James Hughes pays me in full for himself and wife boarding to this date.

16th: Got home after night.

18th. Started to go to Wilmington; got as far as John Klckmans tavern. Recv’d of Curtis Jefferis a letter from Nathan.

19th Oct. 1805, Returned from Wilmington.

24th. Snow mixt with rain.

  1. Snow again.

    31st. Emmor Moore Married to Elizabeth Hickman, Daughter of Moses Hickman. Seth John Married to Sidney Taylor, Daughter of Thomas Taylor.

    4th Nov., Went to Philad. in Blacks Stage: wrote a letter to send to Son Nathan in Saint Domingo, Port au Prince.

    7th, returned home.

    12th, Abigail Rankin Died, Wife of John Rankin of this Borough.

    16th. Went to Aaron Davis’s; brought my cart home, bought of him a few days ago for 40 Dollars: brought 500 Segars from James Gambles for William Dilworih.

    21st Nov. 1805. James C. O’Brien Eloped from West Chester this night: carried away with him Several Watches that were left with him to be repaired.

    25th: This morning Moses McCloskey was found laying dead at the foot of the Stairs in James McGills Weaver shop. He went to bed in the Shop loft with Several others in the evening & it is supposed he had got up in the dark and fell down the steps and hit his head against the hinge of the door, as there was a considerable wound in the side of his head behind his left ear. I with others of the Jury examin’d the wound and were of opinion there was no fracture in the skull, it did not appear that that wound alone could have caused his death, the Juries verdict is that he came to his death by some way unknown to them unless it was by that wound & falling down Stairs: though there was no evidence that he did fall.

    26th Nov. 1805: this day Settled with Hugh Reed Executor of Estate of John Patton Deceas’d and paid him Eleven Dollars in full for ground rent of my Store house till the eleventh Instant, at which time his Executorship ceased.

    27th: Sarah Knox takes a Room in my house till the twenty fifth of March next, for which she is to pay 4 Dollars.

    28th. Wrote a letter to Virginia.

    3rd Decm. Fine weather for the Season.

    4th. This night about 7 O’Clock I started to go to Philad. having loaded Wm. Eaehus’s Waggon with 64 bushels flax-seed and Sent it on. I pursued and overtook it at Wm. Beaumonts tavern. Stayed there all night.

    5th: this morning rode into town: Sold mv seed for 13-3 per Bushel.

    6th Decm. 1805. Bought 22 bushels Salt at 90 Cents per bushel, and Some other things and Started the wagon out.

    7th, rode home.

    9th: John Gheen’s wife buried: a Daughter of Edward McCloskev Buried.

    10th: N Scholfield’s Mill sold for 1705£.

    11th: Paid John Forbus 2S Dollars in full for S Cords Hickory wood on the ground in presence of Samuel Hopkins.

    12th: Lydia Jefferis Married to George Worth.

    16th: This day about eleven O’Clock was at Jacob Ramseys: Bought of him a quantity of Buckwheat, he says 35 or 40 bushels, he is to deliver It at Henry Hoopses Mill this week at 6, 2 per bushel. 17th, Went to a Vendue at William Smiths in Newlin Township.

    22nd Deem. 1805: uncommon fine weather: this day wrote three letters to Virginia by Morgan Francis: one to John Hunt, one to Thomas Francis, and one to Thomas Fred.

    24th: Morgan Francis & Sister Hannah Came here to My house at W. Chester, this is a wet day.

    25th. No Snow this Christmas.

    2&th: a wet day: this night fell a great Quantity of rain.

    29th: very Windy today.

    30th. Paid Thomas Hoopes for 25 bushels & 40 lb wheat at 12 per bushel, and grinding. 15. making in the whole §43.07. S fine flour of the above wheat, 10C, 1Q, 61b.

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