Benjamin Hunt Diary – 1804
Jan 1st 1804.This morning coming into my store I happened to look at one of the windows observed the key that keys the bar from the outside was dropped out of the bolt, the key was fastened with a String, the bolt had been screwed round till it broke the String and then the key dropped out: and going to another I found it served the same way; then going to the drawer I missed some money, I knew not how much, perhaps 3 or 4 Dollars. and a particular Multiplying glass tor viewing linnen worth $1.50
2nd. Very muddy Roads: this night rain.
3rd. A dark wet morning. Very unpleasant dirty going. David Neiss came to board at 10-6 a week. .
4th This Day blew up cold; in the evening mud hard enough to carry.
5th. This morning pretty cold. Yesterday paid Jabez Hoops S2.59 1/2 road tax for the Borough or West Chester.
9th Jan 1804. Went to Philad. in the Stage. Stayed there till the 12th. being disappointed in the stage not coming down on account of being broke. I returned in Jonathan Parke’s waggon.
19th This morning come ing into my store I found there had been an attempt made last night to break in but did not succeed.
22nd. This day began to snow.
23rd. Snowing and blowing all Day. this night Cleared, a great body of Snow on the ground.
13th Feb. Doct. Joseph Moore having been for some time making preparations to leave this Borough this day got his goods on board a Wagon bound for Pittsburg and Started; himself intending to follow in a few days and to proceed from Pittsburg to Louisiana.
Feb. 18th 1804. John Christy. Register, Died this morning about four O’clock at West Chester.
20th. Christv Buried. Dr. Joseph Moore left this town and bound for Pittsburg in Company with Richard M. Hannum and Caleb Hannum. Aaron Davis’s wife died about six O’Cioek this morning, this day our Court begins.
21st Dehorah Davis, Aaron’s wife, buried at Birmingham. My wife went to the funeral: got a bad fall from her Mare; brought her home in the evening in Sharpies’s Carriage.
2Sth Wrote two letters to Bradford, one to Ell King Jun. and one to George Fisher. Hannah Otley Died.
March 1st. Buried. James Bones Succeeds Christy in his office. Spitting snow. this night fell a good deal of snow.
2nd. Very bad going: wind very high: snow blowing.
Sil A very cold day wind high.
5th. Lent my Mare to Eli Hunt.
6th. This dav Received of David Niess Ju’r Eleven Dollars and twenty Cents in full for boarding and lodging to this date.
12th. Rachel Clemson & Rebeckah Way was at my house. Sent three letters to Wagontown, one to John G. Humphrey at Hibernia Forge, one to Caleb Foulke at Warrron town and one to Devi Downing at Brandywine Bridge.
13th. Wet weather, Oh most terrible
15th.Recv’d of Richard Williams $18.20 In full for one Q’tr board due 8th Instant.
March 18th 1804. cold weather for the season: this night froze hard.
10th a very cold morning.
22nd. Margaret Coope wife of Samuel Coope buried at Bradford.
24th. John Babb came to West Chester.
28th. This morning started to Philadelphia in Richter’s Stage in Company with David Neiss. Obediah Ketchum and others. Neiss & Ketchum had taken Wm Sharples’s store about six or seven Mo. ago and before I returned, their goods was seized on by James Kelton, Sheriff.
31st. Returned from Philad. Caspar Wistar’s wife buried at Birmingham.
6th Apr. Edward McCloskey Died at his house in Parkers Woods.
7th. Recv’d of David Neiss one Dollar and Seventy Cents and one Dollar and ten Cents recv’d . on Second day last with what I recv’d the 6th of March, makes fourteen Dollars in full for his boarding and lodging to this date.
10th This Dav Richard Williams Barber Evacuated the South Corner of my Store house, and there Remains due to me for the Rent thereof Seven Dollars and fifty cents.
Reev’d of Cha. Humphrey 20 Dollars for boarding an lodgin: leaves my house and goes to Benj’n Millers.
23rd. Went to Philadelphia in Black’s Stage: went on board the Ship Neptune, arrived here a few days ago from Calcutta.
25th. Returned home in Jemisons Stage.
May 3rd. 1804. this evening joined the West Chester fire Company. Emmor Bradley joined at same time.
14th. Joel Bailey Came to Board with me.
27th. Thomas Howell Buried.
5th June Went to Waggontown.
6th. Returned home.
8th. Went to Sharples’s forge or Sht-
10th. Richard Williams’s Quarters board ends and begins anew this Day.
18th. Brinton Webster Came to Board with me.
21st. Joel Baily absent 11 Days.
27th Went to Robert Yearsley’s: paid him 31 Dols. in full for Interest to this date.
2nd Julv. Brinton Webster left boarding with me. Paid Edward Miller 1.43 in full for County tax to this date for this year 1 suppose. .
10th. Started to go to Philadelphia.
11th. got into town. Emmor Bradley, Deborah Hannum. Thomas Tucker & Phebe Park started to go to Lancaster.
32th. i returned from town.
14th. Bradley, Tucker & their ladiesreturned from Lancaster.
22nd Thomas Sweney takes three rooms in ray house; that is, one in the North corner down stairs and one in the South comer up Stairs and one in the Garret for three Months, for which he is to pay 12.50 Cents: and he takes the south corrner of my store house and pays 5.00 Dols, for three Months.
23rd. Joel Baily returned: absent 15 Days.
24th. Uncommon cold weather for the season.
Julv 25th 1804. Joseph England Married to Sarrah Ferral.
27th. this morning Nathan Sharpies and Wiliiam Price started for Muncy.
1st August. Jabez Hoops, Abner Hoops, Sidney Hoops, Joshua Pierce & Marv Ccope started for Cape May.
14th. Nathan Sharpless Returned This day I went to Philad. Met with Jabez Hoops in the Market House, returned from Cape Mav or Egg Harbour.
15th. I returned from Philad. Joseph Buffington’s Wife Died about 4 O’Clock this afternoon.
25th. Paid Charles Wollerton Six Dollars in full far his Brother John Wollerton Drawing goods for me from Philadelphia.
- August 30th. John Patton Married to Betsey Evans and Joseph Worthington Married to Amelia Evans.
Sept 8th. Richard William’s Quarters boarding & lodging ends this day.
18th. Richard M. Hannum with his family left West Chester & bound for Kentucky.
Oct. 9th. This day our Election was held this morning in uncommon Storm of rain and wind, the rain soon ceased but the wind continued all day and the day following.
11th. Nathan Sharpies Married to Patty Price.
17th. John Jones Died this night in consequence of a wagon running over his head a day or two ago.
22nd. Thomas Sweyney leaves my house.
Oct. 23rd 1804. This dnv James Kelton (Sherif) leaves West Chester and Jesse John supplies his place.
24th. Joseph Painter Diefl. Paid Edward Miller 1 D, 10 C tax.
26th. Nathan Sharpies brought his wife home. I and my wife took Dinner with them in Company with several respectable Neighbours. a great deal of rain fell after night turn’d to snow fell a considerable quantity.
2Jth. This day recv’d account by James Woodward who lives on or near the head waters of Juniata, informing me of the death of my Uncle Joseph Hunt and his wife who died within one day of each other Some time last Month.
I forgot to mention the marriage of Hannah Osborne with John Gheen on the 25th of this Month.
Oct. 30th 1804. this day started for Philadelphia in a light Cart with my wife & Rachel Clemson & William Sharpies with his Cart.
1st November, got home again.
13th. Martha Levis died at Henry Hoopes’s.
14th, this day fell a considerable Snow, after night came a rain, against morning snow all gone.
I had forgot to mention that Thomas Tucker’s Store was rob’d on first day evening last, the 11th Instant, there was a meeting in the Court House, Joshua Vaughan, Minister, and while Tucker was at meeting the Raskel, supposed to be one Henry Decker, a Young Man Servant to Jesse Roberts but living with Amos Worthington, entered the Store at a back window, took some Cash and Some Cloathin.s and made his escape.
15th Nov’r 1804 Anthony Taylor Married to Edith Sharples. This day I started to go to Philad., cart and horse, son James with me: lodged Joseph Baldwin’s, Sign of the king of Prussia.
16th, went in to town; lodged at Andrew Oliver:. Elbow lane.
17th. Returned home.
2Sth Nov. This evening Robert Black and Rachel Anderson, both of the Borough of West Chester, were Married in Philadelphia.
2nd Dec’r. this day a Son of Patrick McKernan in this town. Died very sudenly. they found him laying near the foot of the Sellar Steps, not quite dead.
3rd. fell a small Snow. Jos. Night & Ruth Mendenhall Married.
5th. William Hemphill and Ann McClellan Married.
6th Dec’r 1804. Emmor Bradley Married to Deborah Hannum.
9th. Joshua Hoops’s wife died.
10th. Went to Wilmington; bought 4 bbls Midlings of James Jefferis at 7.50 per bbl: returned as far as John Hick- mans; lodged there.
11th: Got home this afternoon, snow.
12th: Still Snowing.
17th: Hannah Scholfield. wife of Nathan Scholfield, Died.
20th: Very Cold Weather.
25th December, Ground cover’d with Snow.
27th: Jonathan Wells Died. Elizabeth Yearsley Married.