1683.10.06: Concord
From: London
Date of Arrival: 8th month 6, 1683
Master: William Jefferies
Listings: 1W. L. Sheppard, Passengers and ships prior to 1684: volume 1 of Penn’s colony : genealogical and historical materials relating to the settlement of Pennsylvania. Westminster, Md.: Heritage Books, 2006.
- Aratts, Leonard (Arents)
- Aratts, Lionel, and wife Agnistan
- Bennett, Elizabeth, servant to James Claypoole
- Blake, Edward
- Bleikers, Johannes
- Claypoole, James and wife Helena and seven children and 5 servants
- Cole, Edward , Jr, servant to Claypool
- Hard, William
- Keurlis, Peter
- Kundre, Thones
- Lamb, Hugh
- Lensen, Jan
- Luykens, Jan
- Masland, Hugh and wife, servant to Claypoole
- Op Den Graeff, Abraham
- Op Den Graeff, Derrick
- Op Den Graeff, Hermann
- Siemes, Jan
- Streypers, William
- Teison (Tyson), Leonard
- Teissen, Reyner
- Tunes, Abraham
- Wooley, Cicely, servant to Claypoole
Sources & Notes
- 1W. L. Sheppard, Passengers and ships prior to 1684: volume 1 of Penn’s colony : genealogical and historical materials relating to the settlement of Pennsylvania. Westminster, Md.: Heritage Books, 2006.