1873 Witmer Atlas: Franklin and London Britain: Business Listings
Merchants Listed
London Britian (their misspelling as written, though it was spelled right on the larger title)
Burns J. D., Farmer, Blacksmith and Commission Merchant
Carlile T., Farmer and Dairyman, Strickerville P.O.
Chambers D. M., late Merchant in Phila. “
Corlies S. F., Landsown Farm and No 1717 Arch st. Phila.
Fisher H. C., Supt. Fisher’s Woolen Fact’y, Landenberg P.O.
Garrett Clinton H., Farmer, Strickerville P.O.
Harlan J., Farmer and Carpenter, Strickerville P.O.
Mackey J. R., Farmer and Dairyman, Kimbleville P.O.
Martin Miss L. W., Teacher, Strickerville P.O.
Mercer Hy., Miller, dealer in Grain, &c., Kimbleville P.O.
Mercer T., Farmer and Dairyman, “
Miller J.K., Farmer and Butcher, Strickerville P.O.
Mode J.G., Famer and School Director, “
Nivin Jno., Farmer and Grazier, Strickerville P.O.
Nivin, S.E. & J.W., Farmers and Graziers, Landenberg P.O.
Passmore Lewis, Farmer, Strickerville P.O.
Sentman M.P., Dry Goods and Groceries, Commission Merchant and PostMaster at Strickerville
Sharpless A., Farmer and Grazier, Landenberg P.O.
Speakman E.B., Florist and Horticulturist, Kimbleville P.O.
Springer Wm., Farmer and Dairyman, “
Trayner W.F., Supt. Good Hope Woolen Factory, Strickerville P.O.
Whann & Son Manufacturers of the Keystone Raw Bone Phosphate, Strickerville P.O.
White J.D., Farmer and Dairyman, Kimbleville P.O.
Witting Elizabeth Farming and Dairy Business.
Yeatman J. C., Grist and Saw Miller, Strickerville P.O.
Eavenson W.H., Cabinet Maker and Undertaker.
Kennedy J.W., Commission Merchant and Dealer in Country Produce
Kennedy R., Carriage and Coach manufactory
Phillips Jno., proprietor of the Kimbleville Hotel
Snovel Misses J.W. & A.E., Milliners and Dress Makers
West J.G., Physician, Druggist, Chemist and Post Master
Williard B.F., Architect, Carpenter and Contractor.