Benjamin Hunt Diary – 1812
Benjamin Hunt Diary 1812
Jan. 1st 1812: this morning wet after a wet night. Cloudy all day: in the night blowed up cold.
2nd: Clear, Cold and windy: this morning was in Philad.: Sign’d James Indenture.
4th. Wrote a letter to Joshua Haller. Mary Mongy was at my house.
7th: Robert Brady left boarding here.
10th: Cold dry windy Weather; roads dusty, uncommon good: Was at the Funeral of a young woman who died at Henry Clark’s, in Hamilton Village.
11th. Took out an Execution for Samuel Newlin on Eli Hunt’s account.
15th: Smooth, dusty roads, like summer: this night snow.
16th: Snow about two Inches deep. This day Joseph Haller Call’d at my house and paid his father’s note.
17th & 18th: Cold. Freezing weather: this night snow.
21st Jan. 1812: this day Eli Hunt, Wife, son Hiram and Daughter Fanny, with George Davis, came here. Eli, Wife & son stay’d all night: the rest went to Hamilton’s.
23rd. Bought one cord Hickory wood: paid for it 11 Dollars, this day a drove of turkeys pass’d here down the pike.
24th: Cloudy, Thawing, In the evening small rain.
30th: William Hunt from Bald Eagle Valley call’d at my house on his way to Philad. a Man was killed at or near the turnpike first gate by the waggon crushing him against a post.
31st. KWrote a letter to Levi Downing.
4th Feb. Win. Hunt stopped at my house on his return: stayed all night.
5th: left here this morning.
Feb. 8th 1812: this day the ice in Schuylkill made a general move an went off without doing much damage
11th: This dav was in Philadelphia at the funera1 of Brigadier General Michael Bright: Buried with the honors of war, so call’d.
19th: William Cole came from Frankford to Hamilton Ville.
21st: William Hunt and Joseph Osborne was here. I sent Eli Hunt’s money to him by Aaron Davis that was recovered of Sam’l Newell.
23rd: Snow. Mist, forepart of the day. after night rain.
24th: snow all gone.
25th: this night snow.
26th: Job B. Remington moves from West Chester to Philad.
28th Feb. 1812. Hamilton Village. Thomas Evans, Tavern keeper Got his left arm badly hurt by the bursting of his Gun.
March 5th. Widow Died.
6th: This night Joshua Buffington’s wife died in Philadelphia.
10th: Ann Jefferis, Widow of Jas. Jefferis of East Bradford, died (Chester County on Brandywine).
11th: Hunt Osborn. son of Samuel Osborn, died.
18th: Eli Hunt lodged here this night Cadwaleder Evan’s store in Hamilton Village broke open and Robbed of $77, about this time William Bittle Ships on board the Helvetius
25th: last night George Hilton Died at Hamiltons.