Civil War: 108th Regiment PA Volunteers (11th Cavalry)
Civil War: 108th Regiment PA Volunteers (11th Cavalry)
Maj. George T. Cornog, pro. from capt. to maj. Sept. 15, 1862; honorably discharged April 8, 1864.
Maj. J.E. McFarlan, pro. from 2d lieut. to 1st lieut., then to capt, and on Feb. 17, 1865, to maj.; appointed brevt. lieut.-col. April 4, 1865; must. out with regiment Aug. 13, 1865.
Capt. George T. Cornog, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; pro. to maj. Oct. 7, 1862.
Capt. W. Dewees Roberts, must. in Oct. 19, 1861; pro. from 1st lieut. Oct. 1, 1862; wounded and captured at Ream’s Station, Va., June 29, 1864; died at Petersburg, Va., July 9, 1864.
Capt. James E. McFarlan, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; pro. from sergt. to 1st sergt. Jan. 1, 1862; to 1st lieut. Oct. 1, 1862; to capt. Sept. 24, 1864; to maj. 1865.
Capt. John W. Ford, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; pro. to 1st sergt. Oct. 22, 1862; to 1st lieut. Nov. 6, 1864; to capt. April 1, 1865; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865; veteran.
1st Lieut. Hilborn Darlington, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; pro. to corp. April 1, 1863; to 1st sergt. Aug. 10, 1864; to 2d lieut. Nov. 6, 1864; to 1st lieut. April 1, 1865; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865; vet.
2d Lieut. Henry C. Brooks, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; res. June 25, 1862.
2d Lieut. Samuel L. Monday, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; pro. from corp. to 1st sergt. Aug. 11, 1862; to 2d lieut. Oct. 1, 1862; died at Suffolk, Va., March 18, of wounds received at Franklin March 17, 1863.
2d Lieut. William D. Irwin, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; pro. from corp. to Sergt. March 1, 1862; to 1st sergt. Oct. 1, 1862; to 2d lieut. March 18, 1863; disch. Oct. 16, 1864, exp. of term.
2d Lieut. James M. Riggs, must. in Oct. 2, 1861; pro. to corp. Oct. 22, 1862; to Sergt. April 1, 1863; to 2d lieut. April 1, 1865; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865; veteran.
1st Sergt. George D. Gross, must. in Feb. 4, 1862; pro. from priv. to Sergt. Oct. 22, 1862; to 1st sergt. Jan. 26, 1863; disch. Feb. 3, 1865, exp. of term.
1st Sergt. Stephen G. Slike, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; pro. to corp. Oct. 22, 1862; to Sergt. April 26, 1864; to 1st sergt. April 1, 1865; prisoner from June 29 to Dec. 26, 1864; must. out with company Aug. 13, 1865; veteran.
1st Sergt. Richard McFarlan, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; pro. from corp. to Sergt. Oct. 22, 1862; to 1st sergt. March 2, 1863; killed at South Anna River, Va., June 26, 1863.
Qrmr.-sergt. Robert Warusher, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; pro. from corp. July 1, 1864; must. out with regt. Aug. 13, 1865; veteran.
Com.-sergt. George Robinson, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; pro. to corp. Oct. 22, 1862; to com.-sergt. Aug. 16, 1864; wounded at Ream’s Station, Va., June 29, ’64.
Sergt. Arthur B. Yeager, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865; veteran.
Sergt. John Allen, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; pro. to corp. June 28, 1863; to Sergt. Sept. 16, 1864; must. out with company Aug. 13, 1865; veteran.
Sergt. Edward Furlong, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; pro. to corp. June 10, 1863; to Sergt. Nov. 6, 1864; must. out with company Aug. 13, 1865; veteran.
Sergt. James G. Keech, must. in Oct. 2, 1861; pro. to corp. July 1, 1864; to Sergt. Feb. 4, 1865; must. out with company Aug. 13, 1865; veteran.
Sergt. Mark R. Lloyd, must. in Oct. 2, 1861; pro. to corp. April 1, 1865; to Sergt. Aug. 7, 1865; must. out with company Aug. 13, 1865; veteran.
Sergt. James E. McConnell, must. in Oct. 2, 1861; pro. to corp. July 1, 1864; to Sergt. April 1, 1865; disch. by G.O. Aug. 7, 1865; veteran.
Sergt. Harlan D. Rigg, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; pro. to corp. Aug. 11, 1862; to Sergt. Jan. 26, 1863; disch. Aug. 16, 1864, exp. of term.
Sergt. Edward Vanosten, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; pro. to corp. March 1, 1862; to Sergt. Dec. 20, 1862; disch. Aug. 18, 1864, exp. of term.
Sergt. Levi B. Yoder, must. in Oct. 2, 1861; pro. to corp. March 2, 1862; to Sergt. July 1, 1864; disch. Sept. 9, 1864, exp. of term.
Sergt. Benjamin Broomall, must. in Oct. 2, 1861; pro. to corp. Nov. 6, 1861; to Sergt. Aug. 11, 1862; disch. on surg. cert. Oct. 8, 1862.
Sergt. Thomas V. Bailey, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; pro. to corp. Aug. 19, 1864; must. out with company Aug. 13, 1865; veteran.
Corp. Jonathan N. Worrell, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; pro. to corp. Aug. 19, 1864; must. out with company Aug. 13, 1865; veteran.
Corp. George W. Sinn, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; pro. to corp. Aug. 19, 1864; must. out with company Aug. 13, 1865; veteran.
Corp. Thomas D. Kerns, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; pro. to corp. Aug. 19, 1864; must. out with company Aug. 13, 1865; veteran.
Corp. John W. Dumall, must. in Feb. 2, 1864; pro. to corp. Sept. 10, 1864; must. out with company Aug. 13, 1865; veteran.
Corp. Edward Rushforth, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; pro. to corp. Nov. 6, 1864; must. out with company Aug. 13, 1865; veteran.
Corp. John Henry, must. in Sept. 1, 1861; wounded at Franklin, Va., March 17, 1863; pro. to corp. Jan. 22, 1864; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, ’65; vet.
Corp. Bernard Yost, must. in April 1, 1863; pro. to corp. June 9, 1865; must. out with company Aug. 13, 1865; veteran.
Corp. Thomas J. Handley, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; pro. to corp. June 9, 1865; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865; veteran.
Corp. Robert Townsend, must. in Aug. 16, 1861; disch. by G.O. June 16, 1865.
Corp. John D. Guthrie, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; pro. to bugler Feb. 1, 1864; to Corp. July 1, 1864; disch. Aug. 18, 1864, ex. of term.
Corp. George W. Mowday, must. in Sept. 11, 1861; pro. to corp. Oct. 22, 1862; disch. Aug. 28, 1864, ex. of term.
Corp. Charles Painter, must. in Jan. 22, 1862; pro. to corp. Aug. 18, 1864; disch. Jan. 21, 1865, ex. of term.
Corp. Wm. C. Carpenter, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; disch. on surg. cert. Oct. 8, ’62.
Blacksmith William Morrison, must. in March 15, 1864; pro. to blacksmith Sept. 10, 1864; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865.
Farrier Samuel D. Ritner, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; pro. to farrier May 1, 1863; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865; veteran.
Farrier George Thomas, must. in Aug. 1861; pro. to vet. surg. May 4, 1863.
Saddler J.H. McCurdy, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; pro. to saddler March 31, 1864; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865; veteran.
Saddler Owen Butler, must. in Oct. 2, 1861; tr. to Vet. Res. Corps April 1, 1864.
Saddler Geo. B. Quinn, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; pro. to
saddler-sergt. May 4, ’63.
Bugler Edward P. Rice, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; pro. to bugler July 1, 1864; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865; veteran.
Bugler Jacob H. Storm, must. in Jan. 5, 1864; pr. to bugler Feb. 1, 1865; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865.
Edwin Amber, must. in Dec. 28, 1863; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865; vet.
Ezra Amber, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865; vet.
James C. Ayers, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; disch. Aug. 18, 1864, ex. of term.
Theo. A. Baker, must. in March 2, 1864; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865.
Jesse L. Bewley, must. in Feb. 1, 1864.
George H. Bishop, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; prisoner from June 29 to Nov. 23, 1864; disch. Feb. 11, 1865.
Peter Binkley, must. in March 2, 1864; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865.
James Blake, must. in June 11, 1864; not on muster-out roll.
David Bowman, must. in Aug. 29, 1864; disch. by G.O. June 16, 1865.
Robert Bride, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; disch. on surg. cert. June 3, 1862.
Eli Bronson, must. in Feb. 29, 1864; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865.
Robert Bruce, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; disch. Aug. 18, 1864, ex. of term.
Elliott Buller, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; disch. Aug. 18, 1864, ex. of term.
John T. Burns, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, ’65; vet.
Hiram Burt, must. in March 2, 1864; not on muster-out roll.
Clement B. Care, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; disch. on surg. cert. June 3, 1862.
Henry Care, must. in Feb. 1, 1864; prisoner from June 29, 1864, to Feb. 17, ’65; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865.
John Care, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; disch. Aug. 18, 1864, expiration of term.
Harrison Carson, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; disch. Aug. 18, 1864, exp. of term.
Jonathan H. Chrisman, must. in Aug. 19, ’61; disch. Aug. 18, 1864, ex. of term.
Geo. E.A. Clarke, must. in Sept. 1, ’61; trans. to 188th P.V. May 12, 1864; vet.
Jonathan Clemens, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; disch. Aug. 18, 1864, exp. of term.
William Click, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; wounded at South Anna River, Va., June 26, 1863; accidentally wounded June 23, 1864; died at City Point July 30, 1864; veteran.
Giles Comstock, must. in Feb. 29, 1864; must out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865.
John Compton, must. in Feb. 16, 1864; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865.
Samuel Cross, must. in Jan. 9, 1864; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865.
John Cowan, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; trans. to Vet. Res. Corps Sept. 30, 1863.
Edward Coyle, must. in March 16, 1864; not on muster-out roll.
Wm. S. Dague, must. in Aug. 30, 1864; must. out by G.O. May 16, 1865.
Daniel Day, must. in March 14, 1864; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865.
Alban Dedier, must. in Jan. 22, ’62; killed at Ream’s Station, Va., June 29, ’64.
Daniel Dugan, must. in Feb. 29, 1864; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865.
Thomas Dugan, must. in Aug. 19, ’61; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, ’65; vet.
Nath. Dunn, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; killed at Five Forks, Va., April 1, ’65; vet.
Daniel Edwards, must. in Aug. 19, 1864; disch. by G.O. May 16, 1865.
Matthew Effrig, must. in Oct. 12, 1864; wounded in action October, 1864; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865.
Geo Englerth, must. in Aug. 19, 1864; disch. by G.O. May 16, 1865.
Jacob Eppehimer, must. in Oct. 2, 1861; disch. Sept. 10, 1864, exp. of term.
Reuben Everett, must. in March 7, 1864; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865.
Chris. Fagan, must. in March 16, 1864; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865.
Isaac W. Ford, must. in Sept. 1, 1861; disch. Aug. 31, 1864, exp. of term.
Henry B. Foreman, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; disch. Aug. 18, 1864, exp. of term.
Joseph Frank, must. in Aug. 30, 1864; disch. by G.O. June 16, 1865.
John W. Good, must. in April 12, 1865; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865.
Wm. H. Guie, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; captured at Ream’s Station, Va., June 29, 1864; disch. May 13, 1865.
Franklin A. Guiney, must. in Aug. 28, 1864; disch. by G.O. June 16, 1865.
Belthaser Gruber, must. in Oct. 12, 1864; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865.
Lewis E. Hall, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; disch. Aug. 18, 1864, exp. of term.
Owen Hamilton, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; disch. Aug. 18, 1864, exp. of term.
Joseph Hammer, must. in Oct. 12, 1864; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865.
Geo. W. Harlan, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865; vet.
N. Hawk, must. in March 7, 1864; killed at Ream’s Station, Va., June 29, 1864.
Jacob Hechler, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; disch. Aug. 18, 1864, exp. of term.
John Heckman, must. in March 14, 1864; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865.
Wm. Heckman, must. in March 7, 1864; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865.
Edward Helfrick, must. in Aug. 23, 1864; disch. by G.O. May 16, 1865.
John Helgert, must. in Feb. 16, 1864; captured June 2, 1864; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865.
Henry Henlen, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; prisoner from Oct. 7, 1864, to March 9, 1865; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865; veteran.
John Hesler, must. in March 1, 1864; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865.
Joseph Hesler, must. in March 1, 1864; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865.
Torbert High, must. in Sept. 16, 1862; disch. by G.O. June 16, 1865.
Matthias Hock, must. in Sept. 9, 1864; disch. by G.O. May 16, 1865.
John Houck, must. in Aug. 24, 1864; disch. by G.O. May 16, 1865.
Nathan Howe, must. in Aug. 17, 1864; disch. by G.O. May 16, 1865
Jacob Hughes, must. in Feb. 7, 1864; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865.
Joseph Hughes, must. in Feb. 1, 1864; captured at Ream’s Station, Va., June 29, 1864; died in Andersonville, Ga., Sept. 2, 1864; grave 7665.
James Ingram, must. in Aug. 29, 1864; disch. by G.O. May 16, 1865.
Adam C. Irwin, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; wounded at Cold Harbor, Va., June 6, 1864; disch. Aug. 23, 1864, expiration of term.
Andrew Irwin, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, ’65; vet.
John Johnson, must. in Sept. 17, 1862; prisoner from June 29, to Nov. 26, 1864; died at Annapolis, Md., Dec. 10, 1864.
Patrick Jones, must. in March 24, 1864; not on muster-out roll.
Wm. B. Jones, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; captured in action Oct. 7, 1864; died in Andersonville, Ga., Dec. 9, 1864, of wounds received while attempting to escape; burial record, died at Salisbury, N.C., Dec. 1, 1864; veteran.
John Jymison, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; killed at Ream’s Station, Va., Aug. 25, 1864; buried in Poplar Grove Cem., Petersburg, Va.; veteran.
John Kelly, must. in Feb. 13, 1864.
Israel Kennedy, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; disch. on surg. cert. June 28, 1863.
Chas. H. Kenning, must. in Aug. 19, ’61; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, ’65; vet.
Howard Kingle, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; disch. Aug. 18, 1864, exp. of term.
Thompson Lawrence, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; disch. Aug. 18, 1864, exp. of term.
Jacob P. Leslie, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; disch. Aug. 18, 1864, exp. of term.
John B. Linderman, must. in Aug. 29, 1864; not on muster-out roll.
Robert Long, must. in Aug. 25, 1864; disch. by G.O. June 16, 1865.
James W. Lowe, must. in Aug. 22, 1864; disch. by G.O. May 16, 1865.
Elijah H. Mahlon, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; disch. Aug. 18, 1864, exp. of term.
Wm. McBride, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; disch. on surg. cert. Nov. 24, 1863.
Elias McCachran, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; disch. Aug. 18, 1864, exp. of term.
Brannan McChalicer, must. in Aug. 19, ’61; died at Baltimore, Md., July 6, ’62.
John H. Miller, must. in March 2, 1864; died at City Point, Va., Aug. 22, 1864; buried in Cavalry Corps Cemetery.
I.M. Milligan, must. in Feb. 25, ’64; died at Williamsburg, Va., March 29, ’64.
Isaac Mimm, must. in Sept. 1, 1864; disch. by G.O. May 16, 1865.
Samuel Mimm, must. in Aug. 29, 1864; disch. by G.O. May 16, 1865.
Washington Mimm, must. in Feb. 16, 1864; died at Hampton, Va., July 21, ’64.
James E. Mitchell, must. in March 12, 1864; accidentally wounded June 16, ’64; absent in hospital at muster out.
Wm. H. Mitchell, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; disch. Aug. 18, 1864, exp. of term.
Amos T. Morgan, must. in Feb. 22, 1863; trans. to 1st Va. Vols. Jan. 12, 1865; disch. by G.O. Sept. 28, 1865.
Charles H. Morgan, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; died at Point of Rocks, Va., Nov. 7, of wounds received in action Oct. 7, 1864; veteran.
James P. Morgan, must. in Sept. 1, 1861; wounded in action March 17, 1863, and Aug. 27, 1864, with loss of leg; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, ’65; vet.
John Morris, must. in Aug. 22, 1864; disch. by G.O. May 16, 1865.
John C. Mowday, must. in Feb. 29, ’64; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, ’65; vet.
Henry Murry, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; disch. Aug. 18, 1864, exp. of term.
John P. Myers, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; absent at muster out; veteran.
Samuel H. Neely, must. in Aug. 25, 1864; not on muster-out roll.
Luke Oxner, must. in March 12, 1864; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865.
Cyrus Painter, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; disch. Aug. 18, 1864, expiration of term.
Samuel Palmer, must. in Aug. 30, 1864; disch. by G.O. June 16, 1865.
Edward Parlaman, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; disch. on surg. cert., date unknown.
John Reed, must. in Feb. 1, 1864; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865.
David Reifsnyder, must. in Aug. 12, 1864; disch. by G.O. May 16, 1865.
Geo. W. Rice, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, ’65; vet.
Geo. D. Rishnell, must. in Aug. 29, 1864; disch. by G.O. June 16, 1865.
Henry H. Rishnell, must. in Aug. 29, 1864; disch. by G.O. June 16, 1865.
Samuel Rishnell, must. in Aug. 29, 1864; disch. by G.O. June 16, 1865.
Richard Robinson, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; disch. Aug. 18, 1864, at exp. of term.
Charles W. Rowe, must. in Feb. 16, 1864; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865.
Hiram Scott, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; disch. on surg. cert. Feb. 28, 1863.
Samuel Seiverd, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; prisoner from June 29, 1864, to March 24, 1865; must. out with company Aug. 13, 1865; veteran.
W. Seiverd, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; must. out with comp. Aug. 18, 1865; vet.
Reuben Serfass, must. in March 7, 1864; prisoner from July 2, 1864, to Feb. 27, 1865; disch. by G.O. June 27, 1865.
William W. Shaw, must. in Aug. 17, 1864; disch. by G.O. June 16, 1865.
Philip Shock, must. in March 7, 1864; must. out with company Aug. 13, 1865.
John Shuffenberger, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; wounded at Ream’s Station, Va., June 29, 1864; disch. Sept. 9, 1864, at expiration of term.
Samuel R. Sides, must. in March 22, 1864; disch. by G.O. May 3, 1865.
B. Simpson, must. in Aug. 19, 1864; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865; vet.
David Slike, must. in Jan. 30, 1864; disch. by G.O. June 17, 1865.
Theodore Smith, must. in Aug. 28, 1864; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865.
George M. Spotts, must. in Aug. 29, 1864; disch. by G.O. June 16, 1865.
John Spotts, must. in Aug. 29, 1864; disch. by G.O. June 16, 1865.
Joseph Steele, must. in March 12, 1864; must. out with comp. Aug. 13, 1865.
Jackson Sweeten, must. in Oct. 17, 1861; disch. Oct. 7, 1864, at exp. of term.
Isaac Wilkinson, must. in Aug. 19, 1861; killed at Ream’s Station, Va., June 29, 1864; veteran.
C.M. Yost, must. in April 12, 1865; must. out with company Aug. 13, 1865.
Thomas J. Ziegenfuss, must. in Feb. 27, 1864; trans. to Co. I Oct. 25, 1864.