Colora Friends Meeting House (Quaker)

Colora Meeting was initially established as an Orthodox meeting, branching from the original West Nothingham meeting and was established as a meeting in 1828. Their meeting house was built in 1841 on land given by the Waring family, and a burial ground was established several years later. Prior to the creation of their own burial ground the Orthodox group used the grounds at the original West Ntotingham site. Eventually, the meeting united with the Primitive Friends and was only active for a short time before being laid down.

In 1885, an indulged meeting was established at Colora by the Orthodox branch of New Garden Friends and a preparative meeting was created in 1890. This meeting became a Monthly meeting in 1945, but was discontinued in 1980 and re-established as a preparative meeting under West Grove Monthly. This second preparative meeting was discontinued in 1983. The meetinghouse is open each year for a special meeting for worship, but is no longer used for regular meetings.

Colora Road at Corn Cake Row

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