Delaware County Quaker Meetings
Delaware County has many Quaker meetings, including a few that were established before the county was created out of part of Chester county. The meetings of Delaware county are broken down into their respective Quarterly meetings and are shown on the map below.
Meetings Of Chester Quarter
Chester Friends Meeting
This was originally the meeting house of Chester Preparative meeting of the Orthodox branch, built after the Great Separation. When the two branches re-united in the 1920’s, the Hicksite members worshipped here as well. The original meetinghouse of the Hicksite branch, which had been located at Market St below Third Street, was sold and eventually torn down. There is a burial ground located behind the meetinghouse.
520 E. 24th St, Chester, PA 19103
Darby Friends Meeting
Darby Friends organized in the late part of the 1690’s, though the graveyard was in use by 1682. Until 1687, Darby Friends met in the home of John Blunston. After that, they met in their first meetinghouse, located near MacDade Blvd. They built a new meetinghouse in 1701 near the first. And finally, the current meetinghouse was built in 1805 and remained with the Hicksite branch after the Great Separation.
There is a large cemetery on the hill above the meeting, which has garnered a reputation for being haunted over the years.
1017 Main St., Darby, PA
Lansdowne Friends Meeting
The Lansdowne Friends meetinghouse was built in 1831 by the Orthodox branch of the Darby meeting. In 1849, the meeting was laid down by Concord Quarterly Meeting and they transferred the property to the care of Chester Monthly Meeting. It became an active meetinghouse again in 1904 when the Lansdowne meting was established. It is the current home of the Lansdowne Friends Meeting.
North Lansdowne Avenue at Stewart, Lansdowne, PA
Media Friends Meeting
The building that house the Media meeting was first built by the Orthodox side of the Chester Monthly meeting.
124 W. Third St., Media, PA
Middletown Preparative Meeting
Middletown Preparative Friends Meeting, not to be confused with the Middletown Monthly Friends Meeting, which is located just down the road a bit, is part of Chester Quarterly of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. The burial ground at Middletown Preparative lies behind the meetinghouse.
N. Old Middletown Rd., Lima PA 19063
Providence Friends Meeting
Providence Friends Meeting is part of Chester Quarterly of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. A cemetery lies behind the meetinghouse.
105 N. Providence Rd., Media, PA 19063
Springfield Friends Meeting
Springfield Meeting’s property includes a cemetery.
1001 Old Sproul Rd., Springfield, PA
Swarthmore Monthly Meeting
The Swarthmore meeting was first set up exclusively as a college meeting for Swarthmore College in 1863. It became a Monthly meeting in 1893, twelve years after the current meetinghouse was built. Prior to that, the meetings were held in the college’s Assembly Hall. Originally setup by Concord Quarterly, the meeting now falls within Chester Quarter.
Meetings of Concord Quarter
Chichester Friends Meetinghouse (Historic)
The Chichester meetinghouse is occasionally opened for meetings during the year, but has not been home to an active group for many years. The meetinghouse was the original location of the Chichester Preparative meeting and was retained, along with its burial ground, by the Hicksite branch after the Great Sepeartion. There is a good-sized cemetery next to the meetinghouse and a wagon shed still stands on the property.
611 Meetinghouse Rd., Boothwyn, PA
Concord Monthly Meeting
Concord Friends built their meetinghouse in 1788, which was retained by the Hicksite portion of the meeting after the Great Separation. Until 1834, both factions worshipped in the meetinghouse until the Orthodox members built their own meetinghouse nearby. The two sides began worshipping together again in 1932, but kept separate business meetings. In 1937, the Quarterly Meetings from both sides recognized the meetings as Concord United Monthly Meeting..
There are two graveyards behind the meetinghouse, the smaller graveyard, enclosed by a stone wall, being set up for the Orthodox faction of the meeting. The Hicksite portion used the original, larger burial ground.
Middletown Monthly Meeting
There is a small schoolhouse on the property, along with a good-sized graveyard.
435 N. Middletown Rd., Media, PA 19063
Meetings of Haverford Quarter
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting established Haverford Quarterly in 1955 through a division of Concord Quarterly and Philadelphia Quarterly meetings.
Haverford Friends Meeting
The Haverford Friends meeting is located on the edge of Haverford College in Havertown. There is a small cemetery on the premises to the east of the meeting house. Haverford is part of the Haverford Quarterly meeting under Philadelphia Yearly.
855 Buck Lane, Haverford, PA
Newtown Square Monthly Meeting
Newtown Square Monthly meeting was established in 1939, but its history goes back much further. Newtown Square meeting has a large graveyard beside the meetinghouse The meeting is an active member of Haverford Quarterly Meeting.
120 N. Newtown Street Rd., Newtown Square, PA
Old Haverford Friends Meeting
The cemetery related to the Old Haverford meeting is located just down the road to the west.
235 East Eagle Road, Havertown, PA
Radnor Monthly Meeting
One of the oldest Friends meetings in the county, Radnor’s property includes a burial ground. The meeting was first established as one of several area meetings that were gathered under a monthly meeting, then called Haverford. The monthly meeting became known as Radnor when the monthly meeting was fixed at the Radnor meetinghouse.
610 Conestoga Rd., Ithan, PA