Hadley, Simon. Mill Creek Hd. 1755
Know all men by these presents that I, Simon Hadly of Mill Creek Hundred in the County of New Castle on Delaware, yeoman, calling to mind the mortality of my body, do make and ordain this my last will and testament, and as touching such worldly estate where-with it has pleased God to bless me in this life, I do give, devise and dispose of the same in the manner and form following:
First, it is my will that my funeral charge and just debts be first paid.
It is my will and I do leave my beloved wife, PHEBE HADLY _ pounds current money to be paid her six months after my death, to be paid by my executors, hereinafter mentioned, her chaise and chaise-horse, my riding mare and the two best cows I have, besides what I have left her in my marriage settlement with her, and as much of the furniture of the house as she will think fit to take, to the value of pounds and no more, which shall be in full of my real and personal estate.
Imprimus,–I give, devise and bequeath unto my grandson SIMON HADLEY, son of my son JOSHUA HADLEY, the Messuage plantation and tract of land I now live on, bounded and described as follows Viz. Beginning at a corner post, being a corner of JACOB JOHN’s lands thence by his line east 300 perches to a corner white oak in the Manor line, thereon south by the said line 217 perches to a corner hickory, thence west by the land now seated by my grandson JOHN HADLEY, 73 perches to a post, thence north 31 degrees, west 38 perches to a black oak, thence north 50 degrees, west 48 perches and a half to a gum tree, thence north 20 degrees, west 19 perches to a post, thence north 69 degrees, 59 perches to a post in WILLIAM ROWs line, thence north by the same 46 perches to the place of beginning, containing 260 acres be the same more or less, making the bounds aforesaid, with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, to hold to him, my said grandson SIMON HADLEY and the male heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever, but if my said grandson should depart this life without lawful issue, then it is my will and I do give and the devise the same Messuage plantation and tract of land unto my grandson JEREMIAH HADLEY, son of my said son JOSHUA HADLEY, to hold to him and the male heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever, but if he should depart this live without male heirs as above, then and in such case I give and devise and bequeath the said Messuage plantation and tract of land and premises unto the next male heirs as consanguinity to him and the male heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever.
I also give and bequeath unto my said grandson SIMON HADLEY, my clock and walnut clothes press which stands in one of the upper rooms and the sum of ten pounds lawful money, all of which several bequests to be possessed by him when he shall arrive at the respective age of twenty-one years. and it is my will that my executors here-in-after named, rent the above plantations to good tenants until my said grandsons arrive at the age of twenty-one years, that all of my said grandsons shall pay the due on each of their plantations when lawfully .
I do leave my son JOSEPH HADLEY, half of my wearing apparel and ten pounds current money, which shall be his full portion and share of my real and personal estate.
I do leave my daughter, DEBORAH HOWEL, wife of JACOB HOWEL, ten pounds current money and I do leave to the said Jacob Howel, ten pounds current money, which shall be in full their portion and share of my real and personal estate.
I do leave my daughter, HANNAH STANFIELD, widow of JOHN STANFIELD, fifty pounds current money which shall be paid in full of her portion and share of my real and personal estate.
I do leave my daughter, RUTH LINDLEY, wife of THOMAS LINDLEY, ten pounds current money and I do leave to the said THOMAS LINDLEY, ten pounds current money, which shall be in full their portion and share of my real and personal estate.
I do leave my daughter, KATHERINE JOHNSON, wife to ROBERT JOHNSON, ten pounds current money and I do leave to the said ROBERT JOHNSON, the sum of ten pounds current money, which shall be in full their portion and share of my real and personal estate.
I do leave my daughter, ANNE GREGG, widow of RICHARD GREGG departed, the sum of forty pounds current money which shall be paid in full of her portion and share of my real and personal estate. I do leave my son JOSHUA HADLEY, ten pounds current money and half of my wearying apparel which shall be in full of his portion and share of my real and personal estate.
I do leave to my grand-daughter ELIZABETH THOMPSON, wife to JAMES THOMPSON, forty pounds current money and I do leave to my grand-daughter DEBORAH CURLE, wife of JOHN CURLE the sum of five pounds of current money, and to my grand-daughter HANNAH CURLE, wife to SAMUEL CURLE the sum of forty pounds current money, all of them children of my son JOSEPH HADLEY.
I do leave to my grand-children RUTH MARSHALL, wife to JOHN MARSHALL, the sum of twenty pounds current money, and I do leave to THOMAS HADLEY, the sum of forty pounds current money, and I do leave to SARAH FRED, wife of JOSEPH FRED, the sum of fifty pounds current money, and I do leave to MARY HADLEY the sum of sixty pounds current money, and I do leave to JOSHUA HADLEY, Jr. the sum of sixty pounds current money, and I do leave to JEREMIAH HADLEY the sum of sixty pounds current money, and I do leave to JOSEPH HADLEY Jr. the sum of sixty pounds current money, and I do leave DEBORAH HADLEY sixty pounds current money and I do leave HANNAH HADLEY the sum of sixty pounds current money, and I do leave CATHERINE HADLEY, the sum of sixty pounds current money, all of them children of my son JOSHUA HADLEY.
I do leave to my grand-children to wit, I do leave to SIMON DIXON fifty-five pounds current money, and I do leave REBECCA MARSHALL wife to WILLIAM MARSHALL, thirty pounds current money and I do leave RUTH DIXON sixty pounds current money and I do leave to JOHN STANFIELD, Jr. the sum of fifty pounds current money, and I do leave THOMAS STANFIELD fifty pounds current money, and I do leave SAMUEL STANFIELD fifty pounds current money, all of them children of my said daughter HANNAH STANFIELD, widow and relict of JOHN STANFIELD. I do leave to my grandchildren, to CATHERINE LINDLEY, sixty pounds current money, and I do leave JAMES LINDLEY sixty pounds current money, and I do leave SIMON LINDLEY sixty pounds current money and I do leave RUTH LINDLEY, Jr. sixty pounds current money, and I do leave MARY LINDLEY, Jr. sixty pounds current money, and I do leave ELLENOR LINDLEY sixty pounds current money and I do leave WILLIAM LINDLEY sixty pounds current money and I do leave THOMAS LINDLEY, Jr. sixty pounds current money, all children of my daughter RUTH LINDLEY, wife to THOMAS LINDLEY and I do leave DEBORAH LINDLEY sixty pounds current money. I do leave to my grand children, HANNAH TAYLOR, wife to JOSEPH TAYLOR, sixty pounds current money, and I do leave CALEB JOHNSON sixty pounds current money and I do leave JOHN JOHNSON sixty pounds current money, and I do leave to FREEMAN JOHNSON sixty pounds current money, and I do leave to JONATHAN JOHNSON sixty pounds current money, and I do leave to Isaac Johnson sixty pounds current money, all children of my daughter KATHERINE JOHNSON, wife to ROBERT JOHNSON.
I do leave to my grand-children to wit; SARAH SMITH GREGG, fifty-five pounds current money, and I do leave JACOB GREGG sixty pounds current money, and I do leave RUTH GREGG five pounds current money, and I do leave WILLIAM GREGG sixty pounds current money, and I do leave MIRRIAM GREGG sixty pounds current money, and I do leave DEBORAH GREGG sixty pounds current money and I do leave PHEBE GREGG sixty pounds current money, all of them children of my daughter ANN GREGG, widow and relict of RICHARD GREGG departed. NOTE–JOHN LINDLEY was twice set down in a mistake and when I found the mistake I erased it with my own hand. DEBORAH LINDLEY was born in North Carolina and I did not remember her to get her name down in the proper place, but I do give the said sum set down on the other side.
And it is my will that as many of my said grand-children which are at age at my decease, that my executors shall pay them their legacies left them by me one year after my decease, and all my said grand-children which are not of age, I do order that my said executors to give it into the hands of the parents of the said grand-children, they giving bend and security with interest for the same for the benefit of their children, and my said grand-children, to be paid one year after my decease to said parents, but if they refuse to comply as above, then I do order my said executors to put out the said legacy left by me to my said grand-children into good hands at interest, and pay them as above when they come of age with the interest of said legacy at twenty-one years or day of marriage which shall first happen.
It is my will that if any of my grand-children depart this life before they come to age or before, unmarried, that their legacy left them by me shall be equally divided among their survivors, and it is my will that if any of my grand-daughters or grand-sons wives should have any more children before my decease or be pregnant, that then my said executors shall put to interest for them the sum of fifty pounds current money, and pay them as above said.
I do leave to my nephew THOMAS KIERNAN, the sum of ten pounds current money.
I do leave to my said wife’s children to wit; JOHN BUFFINGTON, one pistole, RICHARD BUFFINGTON one pistole, PHEBE WALL one pistole, PETER BUFFINGTON one pistole, ISAAC BUFFINGTON one pistole, JOSEPH BUFFINGTON ten pounds current money to be paid them one year after my decease and what bonds, notes or accounts be payable to me from any of my grand-children or their husbands, must be discounted out of the legacy left them by me, and I here-by constitute make and ordain my trusty and well-beloved grand-son-in-law, JAMES THOMPSON and my trusted and well-beloved grand-son JOHN HADLEY and my worthy and well loved friend, DANIEL NICKOLDS, all of them in Hill Creek Hundred in the County of New Castle on Delaware, yeomen, my executors of this my last will and testament, and I do hereby revoke and make void all former wills made by me at any time here-to-fore, and I do leave my executors thirty pounds current money to each of them, for their care and trouble they will have about the nagging and settling of my said estate, which said sum shall be in full for their care and trouble and shall not have more for their commission, nor any other charge against my said estate on that account, but I do allow my said executors shall have commissions for what just money shall be received by them arising out of the legacies left by me to my said grand-children until they respectively arrive at the age above-said, and I do desire and request my trusty friends BENJAMMIN SWETT of the town of New Castle, Esq. and SAMUEL GREGG of Christiana Hundred and county above said, yeomen, to be overseers, to see that my last and testament be well and truly performed, and for their care and trouble I do leave each of them the sum of five pounds current money, to be paid by the executors, and it is my will that what is left to my said son, JOSEPH HADLEY, should be kept in my said executors hands and give it to him at several times as they see it is necessary for it.
I give devise and bequeath unto my grandson, SIMON JOHNSON, son of ROBERT JOHNSON, certain plantation and tract of land lying contiguous to the above land devised to my grandson SIMON HADLEY, bounded and described as followeth: Viz. Beginning at a corner mulberry tree being a corner of the land late of JOSHUA HADLEY but now of ROBERT JOHNSON, thence west by the same land one hundred and eighty perches to a post thence north by the said Rows land 134 perches to a corner post of the above land devised to my said grandson SIMON HADLEY, thence south 69 degrees, east by the said tract 59 perches to a post and south 20 degrees, east 19 perches to a gum tree and south 60 degrees, east 137 perches and a half to another gum and south 50 degrees, east 48 perches and a half to a corner black oak and south 31 degrees, east 38 perches to a corner post in the line of the land seated by my said grandson JOHN HADLEY, thence west by the same 57 perches to a corner black oak in a line of the aforesaid ROBERT JOHNSON land, thence north by the same 37 perches to the place of beginning, containing by estimation 112 acres be the same more or less with in the bounds aforesaid, with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining to the hold to him, my said grandson SIMON JOHNSON, and the male heirs of his body lawfully begotten, but if he my said grandson, SIMON JOHNSON should happen to depart this life without male heirs as above, then and in such case I give devise and bequeath the said tract of land and premises unto the next male heirs by consanguinity to him, my said grandson, and the male heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever, to be possessed by my said grandson when he shall arrive at the respective age of twenty-one years.
I do give and bequeath to my grandson, JOHN HADLEY, son of my son JOSEPH HADLEY, and the male heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever, a plantation or tract of land here-in-after mentioned, but if he should depart this life without male heirs, then in such case, it is my will and I do give and bequeath the said plantation and tract of land to the next male heir by blood to him and his heirs forever, said plantation and tract of land to be bounded as followeth; Beginning at a corner black oak in the line of the said ROBERT JOHNSONs land, thence east 130 perches to a corner hickory tree in the said Manor line, thence by the said line south 185 perches to a corner oak sapling _ containing within the said bounds 150 acres of land, be the same more or less, and I do bequeath to my said grandson JOHN HADLEY, ten pounds current money.
I do give and bequeath a plantation or tract of land to __ JOHNSON in the Letitia Aubrey Manor containing 93 acres and 66 perches of land. I have a deed for the same and recorded in the name of my grandson SIMON GREGG, son of RICHARD GREGG, departed, and ANNE his wife, my daughter, to him and the male heirs of his body lawfully begotten as above, but should he depart this life, it is my will and I do give the said plantation and tract of land to the next male heirs by blood to him and the male heirs of his body legally begotten forever. In witness whereof I have here-unto set my hand and my seal this 3rd day of November, one thousand seven hundred and fifty five (1755). Note before signing and sealing– It is my will that if any of my grand-children should fall heir to any of the above said tracts of land by the death of him or them which I have willed it to, then it is my will that he or they which shall fall heir to said estate or estates, shall not have the said fifty pounds willed to them by me as above, but shall be equally divided as above to the surviving grand-children.
Signed, Sealed, pronounced and declared by the said SIMON HADLEY to be his last will and testament in the presence of us the subscribers.