Hiester, Eli. E.
Rev. Eli E. Hiester, a retired minister of Strausstown, Berks county, Pa., was born near Belleman’s Church, in Centre Township, January 14, 1830. He is a son of Thomas and a grandson of Daniel Hiester. The latter, who was born November 5, 1761, died April 16, 1827, at the age of sixty-five years, and is buried at Zion’s Blue Mountain Church. His occupation was that of farming, and for many years he resided in Upper Tulpehocken Township, where the name is well known and highly respected. Three times he was married, his last wife being Susanne Ammon, whose birth occurred May 4, 1782. She died October 17, 1862, at the advance age of eighty.
Thomas Hiester, the father of Eli, was born July 10, 1803. He grew to manhood on his father’s farm and besides acquiring the usual knowledge of farm work, he learned the trade of wheelwright, which he followed during his long residence near Strausstown, in Upper Tulpehocken Township.
He married Christiana Ebling, the daughter of Jacob Ebling. She was born at Upper Tulpehocken Township, July 5, 1802, and died January 13, 1878, at the age of seventy-five years, five months, and eight days. On June 19, 1882, the husband, having lived to the advanced age of seventy-eight, was laid to rest beside his wife in the old cemetery at Zion’s Blue Mountain Church. Their children were: Jonathan, who became a minister of the Reformed Church, and whose death occurred in Lebanon county, Pa., in 1900; Jacob, born in 1827, died in 1874 (he married Susanne Snyder, who was born in 1823, and died in 1875); Sarah, born in 1828, married Michael Klahr, her death occurring in 1861; and Eli E. Eli E. Hiester, being the youngest son, was privileged to receive greater educational advantages than his older brothers, in the pay schools of Upper Tulpehocken Township, and the Boyertown Mount Pleasant Seminary, both of which he attended. After that he studied with his brother Rev. Jonathan to prepare for Franklin and Marshall College at Lancaster which he entered in 1855, graduating in 1859. After graduating he went to the Theological Seminary, at Mercersburg, Pa., to study Theology. He was ordained in 1865 at Pine Grove, Schuylkill county. He began his work in the ministry at Grantville, afterwards taking charge of the church at Friedensburg, Schuylkill county, where he remained six years. Later he came to Strausstown, Pa., where he has since resided. His ministerial career covered a period of fifteen years and though retired from active work, he occasionally fills the pulpit of the local church. A trade acquired in his younger days, that of watch and clock repairing, supplies occupation for many otherwise unemployed, hours. This, together with a half interest held in a fine farm of seventy-three acres, near Strausstown, brings a good income, which, at his age is something unusual for one who has given his best efforts in the service of the church. Rev. Hiester never married, finding the religious life all-sufficient for his happiness. He is one of the oldest residents of Strausstown, and held in the highest regards, not only by his fellow-citizens, but by all who have the privilege of knowing him.