Pennsylvania’s First and Only Witchcraft Trial
Superstition in the early days of our country seems not to have been confined to Salem whose witches so much exercised the Puritans of New England.The article below, complete with original spelling, from George Smith’s History of Delaware County describes the first and only witchcraft trial to take place in Pennsylvania. 1Smith, George. History of Delaware County. pp.153-153
Persons charges with the higher grades of crime were not tried by the County Courts. The imaginary crimes of Witchcraft at that time ranked among the most heinous, and hence it was the celebrated Pennsylvania witch trial took place before Governor Penn and his Council, sitting as a Superior Court at Philadelphia. The parties, who, in that case, were the victims of this most stupid of all superstitions, resided near the mouth of Crum Creek, were in good circumstances, and for naught that is known to the contrary, were quite as respectable as their accusers.
The following is a record of the trial, copied from the published minutes of the Council, “held at Philadelphia ye 27th of the 12th month, 1683.” [February, 1684]
“Margaret Matson’s Indictmt was read, and she pleads not Guilty, and will be tryed by the Country. ”
“Lasse Cock attested Interpriter between the Prop. and the Prisoner at the Barr. ”
“The Petty Jury Impanneled; their names are as followed: Jno Hasting, foreman, Albertus Hendrickson, Robt. Piles, Robt. Wade, Nath. Evans, Edwd. Carter, Wm Hewes, Jer: Collett, Jno. Kinsman, Jno. Gibbons, Walter Martin, Edwd Bezar.”
“Henry Drystreet, attested, saith that he was tould 20 years afo, that the Prisoner at the Barr was a Witch, and that several cows were betwitcht by her; also that James Saunderlings’ mother tould him that she bewitcht her cow, but afterwards said it was a mistake, and that her cow should doe well againe, for it was not her cow but another Persons that should dye.”
“Charles Ashcom, attested, saith that Anthony’s Wife being asked why she sould her cattle; was because her mother had Bewitcht them, having takent he Witchcraft of Hendrickson’s Cattle, and out it on their oxen; she myght keep but noe other Cattle, and also that one night the Daughter of ye Prisoner called him up hastely, and when he came she sayed there was a great Light but just before, and an old woman with a knife in her hand at ye Bedd’s feet, and therefore she cryed out and desired Jno. Symcock to take away his calves, or Else she would send them to Hell.”
“James Claypool attested interpritor betwist the Propr and the Prisoner.”
“The affidavid of Jno. Vanculin read, Charles AShcom being a witness to it.”
“Annakey Coolin, attested, saith her husband tooke the Heart of a Calf that Dyed,as they thought, by Witchcraft, and Boyld it, whereupon the Prisoner at the Barr came in and asked them what they were doing; they said Boyling of flesh; she said they had better they had Boyled the Bones, with several other unseemly Expressions.”
“Margaret Matsonn saith that she values not Drystreet’s evidence; but if Sanderlin’s mother had come, she would have answered her; also denyeth Charles Ashcoms attestatoin at her soul, and saith, where is my daughter; let her come and say so.”
“Annakey Cooling’s attestation about the Gees, saying that she was never out of her Conoo, and also that she never said any such things concerning the calve’s heart.”
“Jno. Cock attested, sayth he knows nothing of the matter.”
“Tho: Baldings attestation was read, and Tho: Bracy attested, saith it is a true copy.”
“The prisoner denyeth all things, and saith that ye witnesses speak only by hear say. “After wch ye Govr gave the jury their charge concerning ye prisoner at ye Barr. ”
“The Jury went forth , and upon thier returne Brought her in Guilty of haveing the Comon fame of a Witch, but not Guilty in manner and forme as she Stands Indicted. ”
“Neels Matson and Antho. Neeson enters into Recognizance of fifty pounds for the good behavior of Margaret Matson for six months.”
It is to be regretted that the charge given by the Governor has not been preserved, as it may fairly be presumed that it was upon his suggestions that the jury based their very righteous, but rather ridiculous, verdict.
This may have been the only trial for witchcraft to take place in the county, but it would not be the only time charges of other supernatural powers would be raised, as we shall soon see – stay tuned!
Sources & Notes
- 1Smith, George. History of Delaware County. pp.153-153