Runaway Wives: 1730-1779
Elopements and Other Miscreant Deeds of Women as Advertised in The Pennsylvania Gazette Such was the title of the article written by Judith A. Meier for the Pennsylvania Genealogy Magazine and, as such, it would be hard not to read further. The article itself is very lengthy and so I’ll restrict myself to merely abstracting some of the most interesting information contained within the article. If nothing else, the article gives valuable information regarding the names of the parties involved. Bear in mind, when reading these, that elopement in those days meant leaving one’s spouse.
Date | Names | Location | Deed |
Jan. 1730/31 | Ann, wife of Benjamin Ashton | Lower Dubklin, Phila Co. | Eloped |
Sept. 1731 | Jane, wife of John Amyes | Bristol, Bucks Co | Eloped |
Nov. 1732 | Ann, wife of Samuel Farra | Philadelphia | Eloped |
Aug. 1733 | Esther, wife of Thomas Chilcott | Philadelphia | Eloped |
May 1734 | Elizabeth, wife of James Martin | Philadelphia | Eloped |
Apr. 1736 | Christiana, wife of Valentine Klin | Germantown, Phila Co | Eloped |
July 1736 | Katherina, wife of John Davis | Springfield Manor, Phila Co | Eloped |
May 1739 | Mary, wife of Abraham Herpin | Oley, Phila Co | Eloped |
Apr. 1740 | Margaret, wife of John Kenard | Moreland, Mont. Co | Eloped |
May 1740 | Elizabeth, wife of John Berwick | Philadelphia | Ran up debt |
Apr. 1741 | Mary, wife of Charles Moore | Philadelphia | Guilty of some Misdemeanor |
July 1741 | Elizabeth, wife of John Champon | Chestnut Hill, Phila Co. | Eloped |
Apr. 1742 | Mary, wife of Daniel Daley | Philadelphia | Eloped |
July 1742 | Mary, wife of Henry Pawling | Perkiomen, Phila Co. | Eloped |
Dec. 1742 | Mary, wife of Richard Leadame | unstated | Misused husband, ran up debt |
Apr. 1743 | Margaret, wife of John Kennard | Moreland, Phila Co. | Eloped again |
Jun 1743 | Elizabeth, wife of John Crede | Buckingham, Bucks CO. | Ran up debt, separated |
Jun 1743 | Ann or Nancy, wife of Hugh McClaine, daughter of Jane Lepol | Northern Liberties, Phila. | Ran up debt, eloped |
Aug. 1743 | Dorcas, wife of Jonathan Peasely | unstated | eloped repeatedly |
Feb 1744/5 | Eleanor, wife of Andrew McBroom | Moreland, Phila Co | Eloped, taken items of value |
Apr 1745 | Agnes, wife of Jacob Mayer | Skippack, Mont. Co. | Eloped |
Aug. 1745 | Judith, wife of Bryan Kennedy | Philadelphia | Eloped, deserted child, leads loose disorderly life |
Sep. 1745 | Hester, wife of Robert Tennant | unstated | Eloped |
Oct. 1745 | wife of William Cooke | Philadelphia | bigamy |
Oct. 1745 | Barbara, wife of James Fullen | Philadelphia | unseemly behavior, endeavoring his ruin |
Nov. 1745 | Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Ramsey | unstated | Eloped |
Apr. 1746 | Johanna, wife of John Holder | Darby, Chester Co (now Del Co) | refuses to live with husband |
May 1746 | Rose, wife of John Bowler, mariner | Philadelphia | ran up debt in his absence |
May 1746 | Catharine, wife of Richard Warkins | Philadelphia | ran up debt |
May 1746 | Catharine, wife of Richard Warkins | Philadelphia | retraction by husband |
Jun 1746 | Jane, wife of Thomas Linus | New Providence, Phila Co | Eloped |
Jul 1746 | Ann, wife of Thomas Rushbrook | Philadelphia | Eloped |
Jul 1746 | Mary, wife of John Fenby | unstated | Eloped wo/ cause |
Aug. 1746 | Mary, wife of John Fenby | unstated | separation by joint agreement, but he is withholding some of her belongings |
Sep. 1746 | Esther, wife of John Harris | Paxtang, Lanc. Co | mutual separation |
Oct. 1746 | Maria Margaretta, eife of Johan Henry Leshire | Germantown, Phila Co. | Eloped |
Jan. 1746/7 | Mary, wife of Thomas Warner | Phila County | Eloped |
Feb 1746/7 | Mary, wife of Thomas Warner | Phila County | Eloped again |
Jun 1747 | Catherine, wife of Robert Bullock | Philadelphia | Ran up debt frequently |
Jul 1747 | Catherine, wife of Frederick Weis | Phila County | Eloped |
Sep. 1747 | Chessen, wife of Thomas Taylor | Middletown, Del. Co | Eloped |
Nov 1747 | Mary, wife of William McNeal | Horsham, Phila Co | Eloped |
Dec 1747 | Mary, wife of Nicholas Grubb | Wilmington, DE | Eloped |
May 1748 | Mary, wife of Samuel Dyer | Plumstead, Bucks Co | Eloped |
Jun 1748 | Jane, wife of Peter Henry Dorsius, dau. of Derrick Hogeland | Bucks County | Eloped |
Jun 1748 | Jane, dau of Derrick Hogeland | Bucks County | Rebuttal, states that Peter failed to support his family due to intemperance |
Sep 1748 | Lydia, wife of John Rue | unstated | Eloped |
Sep 1748 | Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Sugar | Philadelphia | Eloped, gave husband’s belongings to her son David Lynn |
Nov 1749 | Eleanor, wife of Andrew M’Broom | Moreland, Phila Co | Eloped |
Nov 1749 | Catherine, wife of George Miller, carpenter | Philadelphia | Eloped |
Sep 1750 | Catherine, wife of John Slaughter | Germantown, Phila Co | Eloped |
Sep 1750 | Catherine, wife of Thomas Carroll | Philadelphia | Eloped |
Jul 1751 | Martha, wife of William Sweat | Philadelphia | Eloped |
Aug 1751 | Anne, wife of Fortunatus Wood | not stated | Eloped |
Sep 1751 | Susanna, wife of Andreas Kempler | Philadelphia | Eloped |
Oct 1751 | Martha, wife of Thomas Ogle | not stated | Eloped |
Feb 1752 | Hannah, wife of Ralph Walker | Philadelphia | Eloped |
Apr 1752 | Elizabeth, wife of WIlliam Ford | Philadelphia | Eloped |
Jun1752 | Ann, wife of Thomas Campbell | Philadelphia | Eloped |
Nov 1752 | Margaret, wife of Conrad Whitaker | Philadelphia | Ran up debt |
Dec 1752 | Mary, wife of Anthony Newhouse | Germantown, Phila Co | Ran up debt |
Jan 1753 | Barbary, wife of Matthew Graff | Philadelphia | Eloped |
Mar 1753 | Mary, wife of Anthony New house | Germantown, Phila Co | forbids any from trusting his wife |
Aug 1753 | Ann, wife of Peter Dolon | not stated | Eloped |
Dec 1753 | Margaret, wife of John Towers | Phila County | Eloped multiple times |
Jan 1754 | Athalanah, wife of Geroge Douglas | not stated | Unbecoming manner, ran up debt |
Apr 1754 | Margaret, wife of Edward Davis | Whitemarsh, Mont Co | Eloped |
Oct 1754 | Anne, wife of Hugh Smith | not stated | Eloped, disorderly manner |
Nov 1754 | Margaret, wife of Peter Masters | not stated | Eloped |
Jan 1755 | Amey, wife of Richard Shortall | Philadelphia | Eloped |
Feb 1755 | Deborah, wife of John McClelland | Philadelphia | Ran up debt |
May 1755 | Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Cochran | Tinicum twp., Bucks Co | Eloped |
May 1755 | Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Cochran | Tinicum twp., Bucks Co | Retraction: Wife returns |
May 1755 | Jean, wife of William Hall | Philadelphia | Eloped, ran up debt |
Sep 1755 | Ann, wife of Peter Dolan | Falls, Bucks Co | Eloped, ran up debt |
Feb 1756 | Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Hulings | not stated | Eloped, refuses to return |
11 Mar 1756 | Anne, wife of Daniel Richards | Kingsessing | Eloped |
24 Feb 1757 | Mary, wife of John Richey, mariner | not stated | Ran up debt in his absence |
29 Sep 1757 | Jane, wife of William Hall | Philadelphia | Eloped again, ran up debt |
24 Nov 1757 | Mary, wife of Valentine Null | not stated | Eloped, ran up debt |
27 Apr 1758 | Frances, wife of Joihn Welsh, mariner | Philadelphia | Eloped |
13 Jul 1758 | Mary, wife of John Richey | not stated | Ran up debt again |
5 Dec 1758 | Hannah, wife of John Beals, hatmaker | Philadelphia | Eloped |
21 Dec 1758 | Mary Rosanna, wife of John Conradesmith | Passyunk, Phila Co | Eloped |
3 Jul 1759 | Rebecca, wife of John Hood | Northern Lib., Phila Co | Eloped, ‘persuasion of her evilminded and malicous relations’ |
11 Jul 1759 | Rebecca, wife of John Hood | Northern Lib., Phila Co | Rebuttal: he abused her |
15 Nov 1759 | Honour Matthews, widow, John Todman | Philadelphia | Claimed to his wife, attempted to obtain credit. He stated: ‘Honour is not, nor ever was, nor ever will be, my wife.’ |
26 Mar 1760 | Ann, wife of John Adams | Philadelphia | Eloped |
14 May 1760 | Elizabeth, wife of James Wright | Philadelphia | Eloped |
19 Jun 1760 | Deborah, wife of Timothy Brannon | not stated | Eloped |
31 July 1760 | Rebecca, wife of Thomas Dunbar, mariner | Philadelphia | Ran up debt |
2 Oct 1760 | Hannha, wife of John Michael Seleck | Whitemarsh, Mont Co | Eloped |
2 Apr 1761 | Grace, wife of Benjamin Scott | Southampton, Bucks Co | Separated, neglects care of children, amy run up debt |
7 May 1761 | Deborah, wife of John McClelland | Philadelphia | Grants maintenance to his estranged wife |
21 May 1761 | Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Grain | Philadelphia | Eloped |
28 February 1762 | Jane, wife of James Jeanes | Northern Lib., Phila | Very unbecoming behavior, warning to creditors |
11 Mar 1762 | Barbara, wife of Thomas Pratt | not stated | Eloped |
1 Apr 1762 | Elizabeth, wife of William Adams | Bristol twp, Bucks Co | Eloped |
3 Aug 1762 | Jane, wife of William Miller | Philadelphia | Eloped |
26 Aug 1762 | Mary Tynan, (AKA Kelly, AKA Mangles, AKA Moore), wife of Thomas Tynan, tobacco spinner | Philadelphia | Eloped, Stole goods, threatens to run up debt |
16 Dec 1762 | Mary, wife of Leader Dicenson, mariner | Philadelphia | ran up debt |
17 Feb 1763 | Anna, wife of Adam Redcap | Philadelphia | Misbehavior |
30 Jun 1763 | Catherine, wife of Michael Newhouse | Philadelphia | Separation |
21Jul 1763 | Jane, wife of John Boon, mariner | Philadelphia | Ran up debt |
11 Aug 1763 | Elizabeth, wife of Jacob Keller | not stated | Eloped |
11 Aug 1763 | Elizabeth, wife of John Edwards | Philadelphia | Eloped |
8 Dec 1763 | Catherine, wife of John Schiwn, laborer | Southern LIb., Phila Co | Eloped |
15 Dec 1763 | Christiana, wife of Daniel Wistar | Bedminster, Bucks Co | Mutual separation |
12 Jan 1764 | Rebecca, wife of Nicholas Hatcher | Middletown, Bucks Co | Misbehavior |
12 Jan 1764 | Catherine Bryan, wife of John Coggin | not stated | Mutual separation |
18 Oct 1764 | Hannah, wife of John Williamson | not stated | Eloped |
18 Oct 1764 | Catherine, wife of Conrad Holtzbaum | not stated | Eloped |
18 Apr 1765 | Rachel, wife of William Leper | Solesbury, Bucks Co | Eloped |
23 May 1765 | Mary, wife of Jacob Johnson | not stated | Base and wicked manner, consorted with other men, ran up debt |
17 Oct 1765 | Margaret, wife of Thomas Brown | Chester Co | Eloped |
31 Oct 1765 | Margaret, wife of John McClelland | not stated | Eloped |
5 Dec 1765 | Catherine, wife of Michael Newhouse | Kensington | Eloped again |
1 May 1766 | Catherine, wife of John Gregg | Philadelphia | Misbehaved while he was at sea |
24 Jul 1766 | Jane, wife of Joseph Barnet | not stated | Eloped, Adultery |
31 Jul 1766 | Hannah, wife of Nathan Bonsall | Kingsess. Phila Co | Refused to live w/ husband |
14 Aug 1766 | Tamzen, wife of Henry Lanaway, laborer | Phladelphia | Disorderly behavior |
28 Aug 1766 | Eleanor, wife of Thomas Milnor, bricklayer | Philadelphia | Eloped |
16 Oct 1766 | Cornelia, wife of William Keen | Philadelphia | Misbehavior, ran up debt |
23 Oct 1766 | Margaret, wife of John M’Keighen, stone mason | Philadelphia | Eloped |
18 Dec 1766 | Elizabeth Moore, wife of Elias Vandelp | Philadelphia | Ran up debt |
1 Jan 1767 | Jane, wife of Charles Tennant | not stated | Ran up debt, eloped |
4 Jun 1767 | Elizabeth, wife of Isaac Kelly | Philadelphia | Ran up debt |
5 Feb 1767 | Sophia, wife of Edward Conner | not stated | Ran up debt |
5 Feb 1767 | Jane, wife of Charles Tennent | not stated | Rebuttal by wife: he was abusive |
26 Feb 1767 | Sarah, wife of Philip Helter | not stated | Felony conviction |
26 Feb 1767 | Sophia, wife of Edward Conner | Northern Lib., Phila Co | Rebuttal: he was abusive spendthrift |
12 Mar 1767 | Sarah, wife of Robert Wheaten | not stated | Ran up debt |
16 Jul 1767 | Catherine, wife of Jacob Keiser | Philadelphia | Eloped |
31 Dec 1767 | Dorothy, wife of Godfrey Lonberger | not stated | unbecoming behavior, ran up debt |
7 Jan 1768 | Elizabeth, wife of John Bader | not stated | Eloped, taken up w/ other man |
7 Jan 1768 | Margaret, wife of Isaac Dorland | not stated | Ran up debt |
7 Apr 1768 | Catherine, wife of Isaac Haselton | not stated | Eloped |
16 Jun 1768 | Elizabeth, wife of John Bader | not stated | Rebuttal: he left her destitute |
1 Sep 1768 | Rose, wife of James Welch, taylor | Philadelphia | Mutual separation |
20 Oct 1768 | Rebecca, wife of John Hood | Northern Lib., Phila Co | Eloped again |
27 Oct 1768 | Sarah, wife of John Ross | Philadelphia | Ran up debt |
8 Dec 1768 | Judy, wife of John Robinson | not stated | Eloped |
1 Jun 1769 | Catherine, wife of Robert Shannon | Philadelphia | Eloped |
13 Jul 1769 | Elizabeth, wife of John Clark, mariner | not stated | Misbehavior |
10 Aug 1769 | Susanna ,wife of William Rusk, butcher | not stated | Has behaved in sucha manner that her husband cannot live her |
10 Aug 1769 | Mary Cathereine, wife of Conrad Genhart | Northern Liberties, Phila Co | Husband warns not to trust his wife |
19 Oct 1769 | Martha, wife of John Longhead | Warwick Twp, Bucks Co | Eloped |
29 Dec 1769 | Hannah, wife of Thomas Hodge, chimney-sweep | Philadelphia | Eloped |
1 Mar 1770 | Hannah, wife of William Kidd | Philadelphia | Ran up debt |
14 Aug 1770 | Eva Mary, wife of Wiliam Kerls | Philadelphia | Eloped |
20 Sep 1770 | Catherine, wife of Samuel Blaker | Warwick Twp, Bucks Co | Sold his bonds |
1 Nov 1770 | Ann, wife of James Fitzsimmons | Lower Merion, Phila Co | Eloped, left him with children |
15 Nov 1770 | Rosy, wife of Peter Savoy | Philadelphia | Eloped |
20 Dec 1770 | Sarah, wife of Thomas Sands | Southampton, Bucks Co | Eloped |
7 Jan 1771 | Catherine, wife of Evan Jones | not stated | Husbdna warns against wife |
14 Feb 1771 | Barbara, wife of John Arndorff | not stated | Claims husband abused her |
28 Feb 1771 | Barbara, wife of John Arndorff | not stated | Rebuttal by husband, claims she was convicted of adultery at Chester Court |
4 Apr 1771 | Mary Fuller, wife of Jame Weldin Roberts | Philadelphia | Claims married her while legally married to another woman |
4 Apr 1771 | Margaret, wife of Robert Flack | Bucks Co | Eloped |
8 Aug 1771 | Eleanor, wife of John Butler | Pitts Grove | Eloped |
22 Aug 1771 | Mary, wife of John Miller | not stated | Eloped, took belongings |
23 Apr 1772 | Eleanor, wife of Frederick Lawderbrun | Philadelphia | Eloped, went to Ireland |
14 May 1772 | Catherine, wife of Matthew Henrick | not stated | Eloped, took 3 children, father wants to see children |
4 Jun 1772 | Hannah, wifeof Peter Joyce Fitzgerald | not stated | Eloped and attempted to marry Richard Stagtham Thomas before Swedish minister |
30 Sep 1772 | Dorothy, wife of John Cash | Philadelphia | Eloped |
27 Jan 1773 | Penelope, wife of William Donald | not stated | Eloped |
28 Jul 1773 | Catherine, wife of John Wagle | Easton | Unbecoming manner, eloped |
29 Sep 1773 | Tacey, wife of John Chatham | Philadelphia | Adultery |
6 Oct 1773 | Christine, wife of John Leech | Philadelphia | Mutual separation |
13 Oct 1773 | Isabelle, wife of John Campbell | Plymouth twp, Phila Co | Eloped |
20 Oct 1773 | Margaret, wife of Seymour Hood, mariner | Philadelphia | husband warns against wife |
15 Dec 1773 | Nancy, wife of John Dodds | Shearman’s Valley | Eloped |
22 Dec 1773 | Mary, wife of John Murrey | Philadelphia | Eloped |
19 Jan 1774 | Anne, wife of John Green | Philadelphia | Eloped with John Tuck |
19 Jan 1774 | Ann, wife of Philip Wood | Plumstead, Bucks Co | Eloped |
26 Jan 1774 | Anna Margaret, wife of Richard Richardson | Providence, Phila Co | Embezzled |
1 Jun 1774 | Elizabeth, wife of Godlieb Zeyher | Philadelphia | Eloped |
27 Jul 1774 | Elizabeth, wife of David Stripe | Whitemarsh, Mont Co | Ran up debt, eloped |
3 Aug 1774 | Margaret, wife of James Gottlier, Jr. | Philadelphia | Eloped |
3 Aug 1774 | Mary, wife of James Paulhill | not stated | Eloped |
3 Aug 1774 | Martha, wife of Samuel Pennock | Philadelphia | Pennock claims she is low his lawful wife as John Morton, her husband is still alive |
19 Aug 1774 | Martha, wife of Samuel Pennock | Philadelphia | Rebuttal by wife, claims she is lawfully wed to Pennock |
31 Aug 1774 | Jane, wife of Davis Davis | Bristol twp, Bucks Co | Imprudent behavior, separating |
12 Oct 1774 | Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Daft | Philadelphia | Eloped |
9 Nov 1774 | Ann, wife of Alexander Grant | not stated | Eloped |
11 OCt 1775 | Catherine, wife of Samuel Blaker | Warwick, Bucks Co | Apology by husband |
27 Mar 1775 | Agnes, wife of John Dods | not stated | Eloped |
31 Jul 1776 | Jane, wife of Gabriel Brown | Philadelphia | Eloped |
28 Aug 1776 | Jane, wife of Gabriel Brown | Philadelphia | Husband apologizes for his mistake |
23 Jul 1777 | Mary, wife of Thomas Burney | not stated | Ran up debt |
10 Sep 1777 | Elizabeth, wife of John Whiteaker | not stated | Eloped |
20 Jan 1779 | Ann Mary, wife of Henry Hass | Marlborough twp, Phila Co | Eloped, overly fond of strong liquor |