Matrimony Notices – Juniata Sentinel: 1873

1/1/1873 WARNER – PRY – On the 19th ult., by Rev. D. M. Blackwolder, Mr. Isaiah Warner, of Fermanagh townshp, to Miss Ella S. Pry, of Beale township. ZIMMERMAN – SIEBER – On the 24th ult., by the same, Mr. J. P. Zimmerman, of Milford township, to Miss Kate Sieber, of Walker township. BEAR – NOSS – In …

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Matrimony Notices – Juniata Sentinel: 1872

12/18/1872 MAGILL – CUMMINS – On Nov. 4, 1872, By Rev. J. A. McGill, Mr. William Magill and Miss Maggie Cummins, both of Tuscarora township. KELLY – McDONALD – On Nov. 14, 1872, by the same, Mr. Edward M. Kelly, and Miss Jennie W. McDonald, bohth of Beale township. UHL – HAMLIN – On the 12th inst., at …

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Matrimony Notices – Juniata Sentinel: 1864-1865

10/26/1864 LAUVER – KIRK – On the 20th inst., by Rev. D. J. Beale, Mr. Samuel Lauver and Miss Margaret M. Kirk, all Tuscarora twp. KAUFFMAN – WALLACE – On the 28th of August, by William E. Bowers, Esq., Mr. Solomon B. Kauffman and Miss Caroline Wallace, all of this borough. 11/2/1864 GRONINGER – RITYMAN – On Thursday …

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