Fallowfield Friends Cemetery (Quaker)

This was the original meeting’s burial ground and was retained by the Hicksite branch at the time of the Separation. The Orthodox branch built a small meetinghouse and established their own burial ground nearby. Because the meeting is located in Ercildoun, references to the meeting may also refer to it as Ercildoun rather than Fallowfield.

Fallowfield Friends Meetinghouse

Fallowfield Friends Meeting (Quaker)

Set up in 1796 by London Grove Monthly after having been an indulged meeting under the care of New Garden Monthly from sometime prior to 1792. Early meetings were held in the home of George Welsh until 1794 when an acre of land was purchased and a log meeting house erected. In 1797 an adjoining …

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Quaker: Fallowfield Friends Meeting Marriages

1818 On the 30th ult. at Friends’ Meeting house in Fallowfield, Chester county, JOHN LETCHWORTH KITE, to MARY LORD, daughter of Jehu Lord, all of West Fallowfield township. (Village Record on May 6, 1818) 1820 Marriage At East Fallowfield meeting, on the 12th inst., ABRAHAM BONSALL, of East Goshen, to ELIZABETH WALTON of East Fallowfield. …

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