Kennett Meeting Minutes – Revolutionary War
Abraham Taylor complained of by Kennet Meeting, 9-15-1774, “for accepting of the Office of a Collector of the Provincial Tax for hire and hath Made Distraint ot some friends’ Goods who Conscientiously Refused to Pay it and made public sale of said Goods.” His acknowledgment accepted 12-15-1774.
Abraham Marshall complained of by Kennet Meeting for “being concerned in Training in Military Services and Justifies his Conduct therein.” Disowned 5-16-1776.
James Pyle, son of Samuel, complained of by Kennet Meeting, 10-17-1776, for “suffering himself to be enlisted as a soldier and for taking upon him the authority and Enlisting others;” also for marriage by a priest to a young woman without her parents’ consent. Disowned 12-12-1776.
John Hollingsworth complained of by Center Meeting, 11-14-1776, for suffering his name to be entered in the muster roll to learn the art of war and being active in mustering. Acknowledgment accepted 2-13-1777.
Adam Seed complained of by Kennet. 3-13-1777. “for undertaking and Ingaging in Military Preparation so far as to make or Cause to he made several Carriage Wheels for Cannon.” Acknowledgment accepted 9-1S-1777.
William Harvey. Jr., complained of by Kennet, 3-13-1777, for appearing in a Warlike Manner with a Company of Others. Disowned 7-16-1778.
David Baily complained of by Center, 5-15-1777, “for suffering ids name to be entered in the Military Association & warn the Inhabitants together in order to Choose Officers. & also gave his Vote.” 9-18-1778: He has gone to Virginia to see his father who sent for him. Disowned 9-17-1778: had “notifyed ye Inhabitants of Kennet to meet to choose officers of a war.” etc.
Ezekiel Webb complained of by Kennet, 6-12-1777, for advertising a Towns Meeting in order to choose a Collector of arms agreeable to a resolve of tne Assembly. His acknowledgment accepted 8-14-1777, which, being real and considered, William Jackson, Joseph Moore, Thomas Woodward, Benjamin Mason and Joshua Sharp, Paschal Milhous complained of by Kennet 10-15-1778, for taking a Test, the tendency of which is inconsistent with our religious principles, and ordering his substitute fine to be paid. Disowned 1-14-1773.
Joseph Musgrave admits. 11-12-1778, that he has taken the test. He also acknowledges, 3-11-1779, that he paid a fine for not appearing under arms or finding a substitute. Disowned 4-15-1779.
James Hannum, complained of by Center. 11-12-177S. for taking a Test, paying a substitute fine and accepting an office. Disowned 4-13-1779. he having also married out of meeting.
David Mercer complained of, 2-11-1779, for “going with his Team & driving it when pressed into ye military service. & for paying a fine for not mustering.” Acknowledgment accepted 5-11-1780.
David Hollingsworth, of Center Meeting, 2-11-1779. “hath been so far concerned in a Military Service as to send a Hand to take care of & drive his Team when pressed into that service.” Acknowledgment accepted 5-17-1781.
Thomas Temple, Jr., complained of by Kennet, 11-13-1778, for taking a test and some other misconduct. Disowned 4-15-1779.
Isaac Taylor, of Kennet Meeting, having been complained of for attending a disorderly marriage, admitted, 3-11-1779, that he had been “so far concerned in military service as to go when ye Team that was under his care was pressed & drawed stores for that purpose.’ His acknowledgment accepted 4-15-1779.
Samuel Greave complained of by Center for encouraging horse racing; “also for paying a fine for not mustering, & for going with his Team to draw military stores w.ien pressed by that People.” Disowned 8-12-1779, having also married out of meeting.
Joseph Brinton, son of John, complained of by Kennet, 3-11-1779, for paying a fine imposed for ye purpose of carrying on war, called a substitute fine. 9-16-1779, He “has associated to learn the art of War, also hath assisted in laying a Tax for ye support thereof,” and is disowned.
Jesse Green complained of by Center, 5-13-1779, for suffering his name to be entered in ye muster Roll: also mustered to learn ye art of War. and when called upon went out to Camp. Disowned 7-15-1779.
Jesse Harry “has given an order in lieu of paying his substitute Fine, which order was to receive pay for one of his Cattle that was some time before forcibly taken for ye use of ye Army; likewise going with his Team when pressed to draw some effects of his Neighbours that was taken in like manner.’ Acknowledgment accepted 11-11-1779.
Amos Harry complained of by Kennet, 5-13-1779, for giving an order instead of paying a substitute fine. Acknowledgment accepted 9-16-1779.
Isaac Baily the elder, Kennet Meeting, “has paid part of ye Bounty for ye encouragement of a Waggon & Horses to go in ye military service;” for which his acknowledgment is accepted 5-13-1779.
James Bennett, of Kennet Meeting, offered the following, 6-17-1779, which was accepted:
“To Kennet Mo. Meeting.
“friends. I am free to acknowledge that when two armed men came to my House & demanded a Blanket of me, that I ordered one to be handed to them, which they left pay for & I made use of it, but have just cause to reflect on my misconduct therein; & some time afterwards complyed to go with my Team to draw fifty Bushels of Wheat to ye mill, which they demanded of me; also consented for another Person to take an order that was given for a Horse that was pre-ssed from me to answer a demand of substitute fine they had against him; altho I forbid that any part of said order should go towards paying ye demand they had against me,, which he informed them, nevertheless w.ien they received the order took it for satisfaction for both demands: which misconduct 1 have often to reflect on and acknowledge unto others to my shame; with desires that I may be preserved from giving way when trials come. JAMES BENNETT.”
William Allen complained of by Kennet. 7-15-1779. for redeeming his horse that was taken for a substitute fine. His acknowledgment accepted 11-11-1779.
Solomon Gregg hath so far joined with War as to Muster or exercise to learn the art of it, 9-16-1779. Disowned 12-16-1773.
Abner Wickersham complained of by Kennet. 11-11-1779, “for consenting to a Substitute fine being paid to relieve him out of confinement : & allowed ye money in a settlement with ye man that paid It.” Acknowledgment accepted 12-16-1779
George Leonard complained of by Kennet, 11-18-1779, for taking a Test; also for marriage by a priest to a member. Disowned 4-13-1780
Joshua Cloud complained of, 1-13-1780, for paying part of a Demand to hire a substitute to go to War. 2-17-1780: He justifies his conduct in paying a fine for not appearing in arms. Disowned 12-15-1780.
Peter Harvey is complained of “for accepting of an office to assist in laying a tax that many friends could not be free to pay; & it is apprehended he has taken a Test, ye Tendency of which is inconsistent wiiii our Religious Principles; also payed what is called ye Substitute Fine which he does not endeavour to clear himself of.” Disowned S-17-1780.
Isaac Peirce. Jr.. complained of, 1-13-1780, for marriage by a Baptist Teacher, and it appears, 2-17-1780, that by his own confession he consented to a neighbour’s paying a Substitue fine demanded of him and afterward allowed it to him in a settlement. Disowned 3-16-1780.
Thomas Calvert complained, of, 2-17-1780, for paying a fine- for not associating to learn ye art of War. Disowned 10-12-1780.
Kennet Meeting;.
William Underwood complained of by Center for neglecting meetings, and it is apprehended he has taken a Test. Dis- owned 10-12-1780.
Vincent Stubbs complained of. 5-11-1780, for paying that called ye Substitute Fine and taking a Test. Disowned 11-16-1780. Center Meeting.
Robert Lamborn makes acknowledged. 8-17-1780. -‘I having had my Education amongst friends But through Inadvertancy have Erred In shoeing or ordering to be shod Divers horses (when Impress’d from friends) to go on Military servises the Inconsistency of such Conduct with our peaceable princinle I have since been favoured to see; And for the Clearance of our Christian Testimony & the Witness in my self am made Wilding to Give this as a testimony against it Hopeing wita Divine assistance to be more Circumspect In future. ROBt. LAMBORN, JUr.
Benjamin Taylor (who had removed to East Cain) admits that he had paid a Tax layed in order to raise Money to give as a Bounty to hire Men to go as Soliders. Disowned 11-16-1780. Kennet Meeting.
Nathan Harry complained of by Kennet, 3-15-1781, for paying a fine for not going to learn the art of war; and hath remarkably neglected ye attendance of meetings. He acknowledgment accepted 5-16-1782.
Benjamin Seal complained of by Kennet for appearing with ye Militia to learn ye art of war. Acknowledgment accepted 10-11-1781.
Evan Harry complained of, 11-22-1781, for neglecting meetings and paying a Tax said to hire a Man to go to ye War. Disowned 2-14-1782.
John Story complained of. 2-14-1782 for paying a tax as a Bounty to hire a Man to go out to War. Disowned 4-17-1783
Wiiliam Cloud complained of 4-11-1782 for paying a Tax said to be a Bounty to hire a Man to go to War. Acknowledgment accepted 4-17-1783.
John Boyce complained of 6-13-1782, for paying a muster fine and other demand; for the Purpose of War. Disowned 8-16-1782, having also married out of meeting .
Aflam Kirk complained of 6-13-1782 for paying a Fine for not Mustering. Disowned 11-14-1782.
Esther Kirk offers an acknowledgment 10-17-1782, for paying a Fine for ye purpose of War. Accepted.
Martha Chandler, “With the allowance of the Women’s Meeting, appeared here & offered a paper acknowledging her Misconduct in paying Money to redeem Goods taken from her Husband for Demands made for the purpose of War” Accepted 8-15-1782.