Matrimony Notices – Juniata Sentinel: 1872
MAGILL – CUMMINS – On Nov. 4, 1872, By Rev. J. A. McGill, Mr. William Magill and Miss Maggie Cummins, both of Tuscarora township.
KELLY – McDONALD – On Nov. 14, 1872, by the same, Mr. Edward M. Kelly, and Miss Jennie W. McDonald, bohth of Beale township.
UHL – HAMLIN – On the 12th inst., at the residence of the bride’s parents, by Rev. T. J. Sherrard, Mr. George Uhl, of Monticello, White Co., Ind., and Miss Emily Hamlin, daughter of Dr. Philo Hamlin, of Walker township, this county.
SPEDDY – MOORE – On the 12th inst., at the residence of the bride’s mother, in Carlisle, Pa., by Rev. J. Patton Moore, assisted by Rev. W. M. Frysinger, J. W. Speddy, Esq., Editor of the Mifflintown Independent, and Miss Mary Patton Moore, daughter of the late Robert Moore, of Carlisle.
ANWILER – DOUGHMAN – On the 12th inst., by Rev. H. C. Pardoe, Mr. Henry Anwiler, of Fort Wayne, Indiana, and Miss Martha E. Doughman, daughter of George Doughman, of Mifflin, Pa.