Matrimony Notices – Juniata Sentinel: 1873
WARNER – PRY – On the 19th ult., by Rev. D. M. Blackwolder, Mr. Isaiah Warner, of Fermanagh townshp, to Miss Ella S. Pry, of Beale township.
ZIMMERMAN – SIEBER – On the 24th ult., by the same, Mr. J. P. Zimmerman, of Milford township, to Miss Kate Sieber, of Walker township.
BEAR – NOSS – In the Lutheran church, Perrysville, on the 24th ult., by Rev. H. C. Shindle, Mr. William A Bear, of Beale twp., and Miss Rachel B. Noss, of Tuscarora twp.
FEGAN – CAMBBELL – Near Concord, on the 24th ult., by Rev. S. A. Creveling, Mr. W. S. Fegan, of Osceola, Pa., to Miss Julia F. Campbell, of Franklin Co., Pa.
SHUMAN – ZIMMERMAN – On the 2th of December, by H. C. Pardoe, Mr. Jacob S. Shuman andMiss Margaret Z. Zimmerman
BOYER – DELANCY – On the 31st ult., by Rev. Jopseh A. Ross, at the residence of the bride, Mr. Samuel S. Boyer, of Duncannon, Perry Co., Pa., and Miss Jennie Delancy, of Juniata Co., Pa.
McKILLIPS – SHOAFF – On the 1st inst., at the residence of the bride’s parents, By Rev. H. C. Shindle, Mr. Alexander McKillips, of Lancaster City, and Miss Clara A. Shoaff, of Perrysville.
ROBISON – IMSCHAFFSTALL – On the 2nd inst.., by Rev. F. McBurney, Mr. John L. Robison, of Lykens Valley, Dauphin Co., and Miss Sarah Imschaffstall, of Walker twp., Juniata county.
McDONALD – ELBERTZ – On the 2nd inst., by Rev. H. C. Pardoe, Mr. John A. McDonald, of Reedsville, and Miss Lucetta C. Elbertz, of Lewistown.
ARBOGAST – AUGHEY – On the 7th inst., by Rev. D. M. Blackwolder, Mr. Henry C. Arbogast, of Turbett township,and Miss Isabella Aughey of Milford township.
McGILL- RAMSEY – On the 19th ult., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. J. A. MgGill, Mr. W. J. McGill, of Huntingdon county, and Miss clara Ramsey, of Beale township, Juniata county.
INNIS – JUNK – On New Years Eve, by the same, in the United Presbyterian Church at McCoysville, Mr. Robert Innis and Miss Victoria A, Junk, both of Tuscarora Valley, Juniata county.
VANFOSSEN – STAMBAUGH – On the 7th inst., by Rev. H. C. Pardoe, Rev. Abner Vanfossen, of Duncannon, Pa., and Miss E. Carrie Stambaugh, of Mifflin, Pa.
MYERS- KELLY – On the 9th inst., by Rev. H. C. Shindle, Mr. Orris A. Myers and Miss Ida M. Keely, both of Thompsontown.
FITZGERALD – HART – At the residence of the bride’s father, on the 16th inst., by Rev.F. McBurney, assisted by Rev. S. G. Fitzgerald, Mr. W. H. Fitzgerald, of Tuscarora Valley, Juniata county, to Miss Martha Hart, of Perry county.
THOMAS- BEALE – On Jan. 4, 1873, by Rev. J. H. Stewart, Mr. WIlliam F. Thomas and Miss Elizabeth H. Beale, both of Juniata county, Pa.
HARDY – LAPP – On the 23rd, inst., by Rev. T. J. Sherrard, Mr. Kenney F. Hardy, of Harrisburg, and Miss Phebe Lapp, of Mifflintown, Pa.
POMEROY – CRAWFORD – On the 4th inst., at the residence of the bride’s mother, by Rev. T. J. Sherrard, Mr. A. Slemmer Pomeroy, of Norristown, Pa., and Miss Maggie E. Crawford, of Mifflintown, Pa.
YODER – YODER – On the 16th ult., at the residence of Michael Yoder in Fayette township, by Rev. Samuel King, Joseh Yoder, of Mifflin county, Pa., and Miss Fanny Yoder, of Fayette twonship, Juniata county.
KAUFFMAN – YODER – On the 16th ult., by Rev. C. Peachy, Mr. John Kauffman, of Mifflin county, and Miss Lydia Yoder, of Fermangh township, Juniata county.
YODER – KURTZ – On the 18th ult., bt the same, Mr. John C. Yoder, of Fermangh township, and Miss Mattie Kurtz, of Mifflin county.
RENO – KENAGY – On the 30th ult., by the same, Mr. Jonas Reno, of Fermanagh township, and Miss Rebecca Kenagy, of Turbett township.
BELL – MALCOLM – On Thursday, February 13, at the Church of the Atonement, by the Rev. Benjamin Watson, D. D., General William Bell, of Mifflintown, and Josephine V., daughter of William M. Shewell, Esq., of Philadelphia.
MEMINGER – CONN – On the 13th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. J. A. Ross, Mr. T. H. Meminger and Mary A. B. Conn, both of Spruce Hill twp.
YODER – YODER – On the 11th inst., by Rev. Y. H. Yoder, Mr. Solomon Yoder, of Mifflin county, and Miss Elizabeth Yoder, of Fremangh township this county.
MAHON – THOMPSON – On the 6th inst., by Rev. F. McBurney, at the residence of the bride’s mother, Dr. J. T. Mahon, of Newton Hamilton, and Miss Eliza E. Thompson, of Mexico, Juniata county.