Swarthmore College – Class of 1918

These names were taken from the 1919 and 1920 Halycon yearbooks from Swarthmore College[emfn]]Halcyon yearbooks[/mfn] The locations given after the names and major concentrations are the home town addresses of each student.

Allen, James Everett Chemical Engineering West Chester
Andrews, Eliazabeth Holbert English Rutherford, NJ
Atkins, Helen Marie Public Speaking Merchantville, NJ
Atlee, Clara French Riverton, NJ
Baird, Frances Laura Latin Wilmington, DE
Ballein, Helen Elizabeth English Winfield, KS
Barnes, Harold Freeman Electrical Engineering Swarthmore
Bell, Dorethea Chemistry New York City
Benjamin, Emily Gail Mathematics Swarthmore
Blau, Robert Sloss Mathematics Cleveland, OH
Bodine, David Monroe Economics Trenton, NJ
Boughton, Fredrick Anthony Chemistry Tuxedo, NY
Bower, Ethelwyn Mathematics New York City
Brown, Kenneth Rent Chemistry Pendleton, IN
Bryan, Gideon Warren Chemistry Ingraham, IL
Bucher, Ella Barbara Public Speaking Lansdowne
Buckman, Emily Preston Biology Trenton, NJ
Chappell, Eva Helen Mathematics Barnesville, OH
Cook, Florence Longstreth French Philadelphia
Cope, Margaretta Economics Germantown
Cornog, Allison Griscom Economics Ithan
Corson, Ewing Tibbels Mathematics Ocean City, NJ
Coy, Geraldine Miles History Glencoe, IL
Darlington, Helen Elizabeth History Pomeroy
Davis, Louis Nichols, Jr. Electrical Engineering West Chester
Deputy, Helen Gertrude Mathematics Glenolden
Donnelly, Frederick Stockham Mathematics Trenton, NJ
Ellsworth, Abigail Mary English Riverton, NJ
Ewell, Frank Otis Mechanical Engineering Baltimore, MD
Faries, Jean Reichner English Bala
Fricke, Alie Bird Public Speaking Swarthmore
Gaskill, Helen Gertrude Latin Bala
Gawthrop, William Ralph Chemical Engineering Lancaster
Glenn, Virginia Avalon History Punxsutawney
Hall, Mrs. Esther Nichols English Chester
Halstead, Jean Economics Sheboygan, WI
Hayes, George Passmore English West Chester
Hayes, William Waldo Chemical Engineering West Chester
Heacock, Ralph Henderson Civil Engineering Swarthmore
Heald, Pusey Bancroft Electrical Engineering Wilmington, DE
Henderson, Leon Economics Millville, NJ
Holmes, Esther Fisher Political Science Riverton, NJ
Hughes, Elsie May Latin Rutherford, NJ
Johnson, Dorothy Agnes Mathematics Alexandria, VA
King, Willetta Blanche History Overbrook
Kistler, Ruth Clara Public Speaking Shenandoah
Kurtz, Mabel Morgan Latin Reading
Landis, David Allen Ploitical Science East Petersburg
Lukens, Mary Lyndell Latin Llanerch
Markle, Mary Anna English Swarthmore
Maule, Walter William History Coatesville
Mealy, John Kinsey Mechanical Engineering Mt. Washington, MD
Mendenhall, Edith Wilson Latin Toughkenamon
Miller, Elizabeth Rulon Biology Riverton, NJ
Moore, Abigail Irene Latin York
Myers, Allen Isaac Chemistry Hagerstown, MD
Nay, Clarence Paul History Sheridan, IN
Newcomer, Beatrice Kent Biology Philadelphia
Ogden, Samuel Robinson English Elizabeth, NJ
Olin, Harry Arthur Political Science Chicago, IL
Paine, Dorothy Belle Economics Scranton
Phillips, Esther Hewes Biology Plainfield, NJ
Postlewaite, Virginia Biology New Rochelle, NY
Powell, Edna Myrtle English Chester
Powers, Mary Elizabeth Biology Lancaster
Pratt, Carl Davis Chemical Engineering West Chester
Price, Katherine Virginia English Brookline, MA
Reilly, William Joseph English West Chester
Richardson, Claire Frances Psychology & Education Philadelphia
Robertson, Marion Templeton French Philadelphia
Robinson, Mary Opal Mathematics Winchester, VA
Rogers, Sarah Taylor Economics Asheville, NC
Shoemaker, Florence Mather English Philadelphia
Smith, Frances Emma Psychology & Education Chatham
Snyder, Mary Esther Psychology Quakertown
Stabler, Eleanor Palmer Education Swarthmore
Stickney, David John Chemistry Buffalo, NY
Stratton, Roland Pancoast Political Science Moorestown, NJ
Taylor, William Simpson Chemical Engineering Chester
Thatcher, Mary Alberta Public Speaking Swarthmore
Trimmer, John William Mathematics Mechanicsburg
Van Loon, Emily Lois Biology Philadelphia
Westfall, Helen Marie Latin Milwaukee, WI
Waygood, Louise Wyncoop English Glenside
Widener, Dean Copper Political Science Okmulgee, OK
Wilson, Helen Elizabeth History Harrisburg
Wright, Catherine English Baltimore, MD
Young, Ethel Reid Mathematics Germantown

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