Vandever, Peter. Brandywine Hd. 1783
Be it remembered that I Peter Vandever of Brandywine Hundred in the County of Newcastle upon Delaware, being aged and infirm but of sound mind and disposing memory, blessed be the Lord for all his mercies, and calling to mind the uncertainty of this mortal life and being desirous of settling and disposing of all my temporal and worldly Estates whilst time and ability is afford, have therefore, thought proper to make and publish this my last will and Testament in manner as is hereinafter mentioned
Imprimia It is my mind and will that all my just debts be paid out of my estates and also all my funeral and other expenses with convenient time after my decease by my Executor hereinafter named –
Secondly I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife if she should happen to survive me the one full half part of my stock, all my farming Utensils & negroe man & the reasonable use of my present dwelling house and of all my land and Marsh which I have not conveyed to my son John, and also I give to my said wife all my house & Kitchen furniture she providing for all my unmarried daughters during the time they may remain unmarried-
Thirdly I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth the sum of Fifty pound current, lawful money of this government over and above what I have heretofore given to her and to be paid-out of my estates provided she shall happen to survive her present husband be five equal and annual payments of ten pounds per Annum the first payment to be at the expiration of one year after mine & wifes decease provided she shall happen to be widow before, if not then within six months after she shall become a widow and if it shall happen that my said Daughter Elizabeth shall depart this life before all or any part of this legacy shall be received then and in such case so much thereof as shall be unpaid shall be equally divded among all her Children-part and share alike and paid in yearly payments as aforesaid –
Fourthly I give and bequeath unto my son in law Samuel Milner and Catherine his wife and to the survivors of them the sum of One hundred pounds such money as aforesaid over and above what, I may have given to them before my decease to be paid out of my Estate in Annual payments of Ten pounds per annum the first payment to commence from my & wifes as aforesaid, if she shall happen to survive me and also he or they paying out of the same all my just Debts funeral and other charges and all the above mentioned legacies in manner and at such times of payment as aforesaid And also sufficiently maintaining and supporting of my said daughter Rachel his sister, out of the same (if she shall happen to survive me) with all suitable necessaries during her natural life and so and in such respectable mannas the minister and Church warden of the Swedish Church in the borough of Wilmington or any two of them for the time being shall approve of or otherwise from time to time pay the deficiency according to their judgement of any two of them and for the full accomplishment of this my last will and testament I do hereby nominate and appoint my said son John whole and sole Executor thereof and I do hereby revoke and make null and void all and every other will or wills heretofore by me made & declare this and none other to be my last will and Testament In Witness whereof I Peter Vandever the Testator hath hereunto put my hand & Seal and dated the twebty fourth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty three N. B. The above erasements & Interlinations were done before signing & Sealing.
Signed sealed and delivered by the pronounce and declaired by the above named Peter Vandever as for his last will and testament in the presence of us the subscribers who subscribed our names hereunto as evidences at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other Peter Vandever (Seal)
Joseph Tatnall
Jn. Stapler