Vandever, Philip. Brandywine Hd. 1750
In the Name of God Amen, This first day of March in the year of our Lord God Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred & forty seven Eight, I Phillip Vandivere of Brandywine Hundred in the County of New Castle Yeoman being weak in Body but of perfect mind & memory (thanks be to God) do make this my last will and Testament in manner & Form following: that is to say first I bequeath my soul and spirit into the hands of Almighty God that gave it me And I will that my body be decently buried at & discretion of my Executors hereto named —————–
Item; I will and devise that all my just debts & funeral charges be duly paid by my Execut.
Item; I give & Bequeath unto my Loveing Wife Beata after my Just debts & funeral Charges be first paid one full third part of my personal Estate & one full third of the Income of my Real Estate during her natural life.
Item; I give & devise unto my Sons John & Peter Vandivere all my real Estate whatsoever and wheresoever to be equally divided between them Only it is my will to reserved six acres of Marsh at their decease to their hers & assigns forever provided that if my son John should die without issue, It is my will that his Widow shall Enjoy all his share of the Lands, as long as she shall remain a Widdow & no longer.
Item; I give & Bequeath unto my Children that shall be alive at my decease all my personall Estate that shall remain after my wifes thirds & just debts be paid only I give Extraordinary to my Daughter Susannah a sorrel Mare and the high Case of Drawers in the front room the remainder to be equally equally divided between them —–
Item; I will that my Son in law Joseph Jackson shall have the above six acres of Marsh during his natural life & at his decease to be divided according to the rest to be paid out as Convenient as can be on the horse pasture Gutt.
Item; I make & Ordain my Sons John & Peter Vandivere to be the Executors of this my last Will & Testament for all which their trouble they shall not charge others any commission for the doing of any thing concerning my Estate for which their trouble I have left them equal shares in my personal Estate, And I do utterly revoke & disanull all former Wills Testaments by me any wise heretofore made or declared, Provided alway And I do will & ordain by these Presents that if any of my Children do make any suite trouble or demand in law of or for any part of my Goods & Chattels or Lands otherwise then according to the true intrest & meaning of this my last will & Testament that then every of then do doing shall clearly loose all such Legacies or other benefit as they or any of them might have thereby & that all my said children to any of them made which shall commence suit trouble or demand as aforesaide shall be as clearly void as if the same had never been to him given or made And further if any dispute should arise between my two Sons about the division of my lands that they shall choose each of them a man, & them two to choose a thrid And any tow of them agreeing shall be the division between them, IN WITNESS where of I the said Phillip Vandivere have subscribed this my last will & Testament with my one hand and thereunto put my Seal given the day and year above written.
Signed Sealed Published & Pronouced |
by the said Phillip Vandivere to be his |
last Will & Testament in the presence | Phillip X Vandevere
of us. |
Item; I give to my Daughter Elizabeth three Acres of Marsh joining to
Joseph Jackson;
Item; I give to my beloved Wife a
Shade and Brydal.
Item; I give to my Youngest Daughters the young Negro Girl ——-
William Vaneman
Christian Peterson
Rebecca X Peterson