Revolutionary War: 4th Battalion Chester County PA Militia

4th Battalion, Chester County PA Militia
Lt. Col. Evan Evans, Commander
Dec 1776
Capt Samuel Evans

Alexander, James – private
Alexander, John – private
Allen, Robert – private
Barrit, John – private
Carnes, Samuel – private
Carol, William – private
Cochran, Moses – private
Crawford, Thomas – sergeant
Dougherty, Patrick – corporal
Dunsmore, Andrew – private
Erine, William – ensign
Evans, Samuel – Captain
Farren, Edward – private
Fulton, John – private
Hall, John – private
Hoopps, William – 2nd lieut.
Hutchinson, William – private
Johnston, Samuel – private
Kennedy, John – private
Kennedy, Robert – private
McGlaughlan, Owen – private
Meckley, John – private
Price, William – private
Read, William – private
Richie, Samuel – private
Rizbe, Benjamin – private
Ross, William – sergeant
Scott, Robert – private
Whan, John – private
Whitting, John – 1st lieut.

Capt James McDowell

Arnold, John – private
Carlile, William – sergeant
Clancy, James – private
Donahy, Philip – private
Ewings, Daniel – private
Ewings, Samuel – private
Legget, William – corporal
Mays, Thomas – private
McCalaster, John – private
McCoulough, Isack – private
McDowell, James – captain
McMasters, James – private
McMillen, Joseph – private
McMullen, Robert – sergeant
Murdogh, Joseph – private
Simrall, John – private
Thomas, James – private
Turner, Robert – private
Williams, James – private
Willson, James – private
Woods, Archibald – private
Young, Robert – private

Capt. Thomas Strawbridge

Allen, Josiah – private
Barnet, John – sergeant
Beaty, James – private
Brekenridge, Andrew – private
Ceyland, William – private
Cooper, Robert – private
Corry, Moses – private
Creswell, Charles – ensign
Creswell, James – private
Finney, Robert – private
Finney, Samuel – corporal
Fletcher, William – sergeant
Fulton, James – private
Gardner, John – sergeant
Gilliland, Archibald – private
Haddon, Bartholomew – private
Kinkead, John – private
Mackey, Samuel – corporal
Martin, Peter – private
McCaddam, Hugh – private
McCaddam, Robert – private
McClain, Daniel – private
McCracken, William – private
McWhod, Alva – drummer
McWodbey, Alexander – private
Montgomery, William – drummer
Picken, Alexander – private
Quigg, Patrick – private
Ramsey, Moses – private
Sample, Francis – private
Strawbridge, Joseph – 2nd lieut.
Strawbridge, Thomas – captain
Thompson, Daniel – private
Walker, John – private
Walker, Nathaniel – private

1 thought on “Revolutionary War: 4th Battalion Chester County PA Militia

  1. Looking for a Lt. Col. William Wheeler Born 1761 died 1798 Lancaster, PA. According to family documents he was a Lt Col in the 3rd Regiment. But I can find no information to support that.

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